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1. Describing urban soils by a faceted system ensures more informed decision-making (100%)
11-mar-2016 17.31.09Describing urban soils by a faceted system ensures more informed decision-making Urban soils, Soil information transfer, Ecosystem services, Soil functions, Facets In costruzione... Riccardo Scalenghe Describing urban soils by a faceted system ensures more informed decision-making Land Use Policy DOI>10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.10.025 http://authors.elsevier.com/a/1S4MtyDvLxGVX Anyone who clicks on the link until January 10, 2016, will be taken to the article for free. No sign up
2. Seminar (100%)
26-ott-2021 8.21.21Seminar Information transfer, Transfer Entropy, Granger causality Tuesday, October 5th 2021, 04:00 pm Aula Scuola Specializzazione, DIFC, Viale delle Scienze Ed. 18 High-Order Statistical Dependencies in Complex Systems: Applications to Physiology, Music and Finance Dr. Tomas Scagliarini, Università degli Studi di Bari The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link CECILIA MACALUSO Tuesday, October 5th 2021, 04:00 pm Aula Scuola Specializzazione, DIFC, Viale delle Scienze Ed
4. seminar_High-order (24%)
29-set-2021 7.55.43Seminar: th Tuesday, October 5 2021, 04:00 pm Aula Scuola Specializzazione, DIFC, Viale delle Scienze Ed. 18 High-Order Statistical Dependencies in Complex Systems: Applications to Physiology, Music and Finance (JPEG; max 300 x 250) Dr. Tomas Scagliarini, Università degli Studi di Bari Keywords: Information transfer, Transfer Entropy, Granger causality The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link Abstract: The analysis of statistical dependencies
5. DC_CV & Publications (24%)
16-dic-2014 0.04.51-400. DOI: 10.1080/00063650903013221 Campobello D. & Hare J. F. 2007. Information transfer
6. Research seminars (24%)
5-lug-2022 9.37.56of Electron Bands in Graphene: (Nearly) Free Electron Versus Tight-Binding Seminar Information transfer
7. cv_de vittorio (24%)
30-mag-2023 11.12.17information transfer • Principal Investigator, H2020 FET Open European project NanoBRIGHT (2019-2023
8. sambucini_cv (21%)
22-apr-2020 14.50.29through Resonant information Transfer between Exper- iments and Simulations Research visits1 She has spent
9. research project lung cancer Marzia Pucci definitivo (21%)
9-nov-2016 15.48.46of exosomes. Extracellular vesicles play a pivotal role in information transfer between cells. Cancer
17-mag-2024 14.20.32, et al. "Information transfer in linear multivariate processes assessed through penalized
11. ArgomentiProvaFinale_IngegneriaBiomedica (21%)
17-mag-2024 19.52.02-uniform multivariate embedding to assess the information transfer in cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory
12. Seminari (21%)
18-nov-2024 8.49.51Seminar Information transfer, Transfer Entropy, Granger causality Tuesday, October 5th 2021, 04:00 pm
19. DR_1243_2022 Bando_borse_aggiuntive_INPS_REG_SIC_dottorati_XXXVII_ciclo (17%)
21-mar-2022 11.45.34