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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Events & Media (100%)

    22-dic-2023 8.47.26

    Events & Media Prin, 2017, events, media 1) Students' mobility from the South of Italy: first considerations (RAI Sardinia's news service dedicated to student mobility - video in Italian language) 2) Webinar organized by CISIA with the Conferences of Engineering (CopI) and Economics and Statistics (Area 13) Participation and interest in the conference on the role of the entrance test in the orientation process held on October 23rd, 2020: “Il test di ingresso: valenza predittiva e rilevanza

  • 2. AVVISO - LM-49 - Events Management e Web Marketing 2022-2023 (64%)

    22-mar-2023 9.26.07

    AVVISO - LM-49 - Events Management e Web Marketing 2022-2023 calendario, lezioni, LM-49 Si comunica che le lezioni di Events Management e di Web Marketing, entrambe tenute dalla prof.ssa Sherry ... qui). In particolare: la prima lezione di Events Management si terrà il 10/05/2023 dalle 9 alle 12 ... informed that Events Management and Web Marketing classes, both held by prof. Sherry ... here. Specifically: Events Management first class will be on May 10th, from 9 am to 12; Web Marketing

  • 3. Events (59%)

    19-mag-2022 10.36.03

    Events & Media Prin, 2017, events, media La mobilità studentesca dal Sud Italia: prime considerazioni ... Events & Media Contacts

  • 4. AVVISO - LM-49 - Events Management e Web Marketing (56%)

    9-mag-2022 11.55.02

    AVVISO - LM-49 - Events Management e Web Marketing calendario, lezioni, LM-49 I corsi di Events Management e Web Marketing saranno tenuti dalla prof.ssa Sherry Andre in modalità online (da remoto). Gli studenti interessati ai due corsi ma non formalmente iscritti alla LM-49, secondo anno devono inviare una mail a "". Ci si riferisce ad esempio a: studenti Erasmus, studenti in altri corsi di studio, etc. Events Management and Web Marketing will be taught by prof. Sherry

  • 5. AVVISO - LM-49 - Events Management (52%)

    30-apr-2020 7.40.01

    AVVISO - LM-49 - Events Management calendario, lezioni, LM-49, Prof. Sherry Andre will start online Events Management class (cod. 19009) on Monday, May 11, 16:00-19:00. Next lectures are scheduled Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 16:00 - 19:00, from May 11 to June 5. Thus: - Monday, May 11, 16:00-19:00; - Wednesday, May 13, 16:00-19:00; - Friday, May 15, 16:00-19:00; - Monday, May 18, 16:00-19:00; - Wednesday, May 20, 16:00-19:00; - Friday, May 22, 16:00-19:00; - Monday, May 25, 16:00-19

  • 6. AVVISO - LM-49 - Lezioni II semestre (39%)

    29-mar-2022 9.57.25

    -18:00 (CET); La prof.ssa Sherry Andre insegnerà Events Managements e Web Marketing con il seguente calendario: 09 maggio - 13 maggio, 14:00-18:00 (CET), Events Managements (prima parte); 16 maggio - 20 maggio, 14:00-18:00 (CET), Web Marketing; 23 maggio - 27 maggio, 14:00-18:00 (CET), Events ... Events Management and Web Marketing with the following schedule: May 09 - May 13, 14:00-18:00 (CET), Events Management (first part); May 16 - May 20, 14:00-18:00 (CET), Web Marketing; May 23 - May 27, 14

  • 7. CVE - Giada Lo Galbo (39%)

    10-mag-2024 16.47.56

    Università degli Studi di Palermo - Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Statistiche Città ... /2023 ] Tutor universitaria per la didattica Università degli Studi di Palermo - Dipartimento ... : Statistica Dipartimenti: Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Statistiche (DSEAS) Mansioni ... tirocinante Università degli Studi di Palermo - Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali ... dal Dipartimento di Protezione Civile sul Covid-19 in Italia. Descrizione e confronto dell’andamento

  • 8. Annali della Facoltà di Economia (37%)

    26-feb-2015 12.43.32

    . Aggregato di Geografia Economica presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche Aziendali e Finanziarie

  • 9. Articoli di Ricerca Comuni a tutti i Corsi di Laurea - Lingua Inglese - Corso di Recupero (37%)

    28-ott-2013 10.06.44

    distant places in such a way that what is happening locally is determined by events occurring many miles ... places in such a way that local events are determined by international events, or in other words ... a sense of community and connect with the community (social events, social tourism) Culture Culture more important ... ) Harmony Social harmony Demand for products and services that create social harmony (social events ... , unemployed, fund- raising events, donations, voluntary tourism, tourism for those with special

  • 10. Studio ed esercitazione GLOBALIZATION, TOURISM AND CULTURE (37%)

    28-ott-2013 10.05.42

    that what is happening locally is determined by events occurring many miles away. glossario minimo in such a way ... link distant places in such a way that local events are determined by international events

  • 11. Quaderni_2004-06_LVIII-LX (32%)

    30-mag-2013 15.18.18

    necessary to know the entity of the phe- nomenon and to plan the future sport events with the aim of increasing this kind of Tourism. Together with the tourist flows, generated by sport events ... from its place of origin to the city where the sport events happened to see them. Moreover ... important result obtained shows that, in the considered years (2001-2005), the sport events in the City ... - gories a total number of presences of 93.182 units. The most impor- tant events among the ones

  • 13. Educational Offer (30%)

    28-set-2023 9.53.03

    AND YIELD AND REVENUE MANAGEMENT C.I.] 3 ARABELLA MOCCIARO LI DESTRI 2 Spring 19009 EVENTS ... - EVENTS MANAGEMENT 6 SHERRY ANDRE 2nd y. Spring 19006 - WEB MARKETING 3 SHERRY ANDRE 2nd y. Spring 19004 ... year 2nd semester 17629 - ADVANCED ENGLISH - 6 CFU NINFA PAGANO 1st year 1st semester 19009 - EVENTS

  • 14. ANNALI-2009_LXIII (30%)

    30-mag-2013 14.43.12

    . * Professore associato di Economia e gestione delle imprese - Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali

  • 15. Gioacchino Fazio_-Public-Engagement_DSEAS webinar su patent box (30%)

    8-giu-2021 14.41.28

    agevolazioni fiscali Link a siti web Locandina In caso affermativo allegare copia

  • 16. Brochure_Master_hospitality_2016_2017_web (30%)

    8-mar-2016 7.38.28

    , exhibitions, events and seminars . A path of higher education that offers the opportunity ... Resources; Daniel Cormany Communication and Public Relations. Professor of Meeting and Events

  • 17. D'Angelo (30%)

    9-mar-2023 15.30.18

    Thematic Course PhD in "Scienze Economiche e Statistiche" SEAS Department University of Palermo Academic Year 2022-2023 Subject Introduction to Point P rocesses Instructor Nicoletta D’Angelo Course description Point processes are stochastic processes defining a natural and convenient formal tool to describe the process of discrete events. Depending on the domain where the events occur, we can talk about spatial, temporal, or spatio-temporal point processes. Examples

  • 18. D'Angelo (30%)

    31-mag-2023 10.03.29

    Thematic Course PhD in "Scienze Economiche e Statistiche" SEAS Department University of Palermo Academic Year 2022-2023 Subject Introduction to Point P rocesses Instructor Nicoletta D’Angelo Course description Point processes are stochastic processes defining a natural and convenient formal tool to describe the process of discrete events. Depending on the domain where the events occur, we can talk about spatial, temporal, or spatio-temporal point processes. Examples

  • 19. 2024_ITA_PresentazioneMentors4u_Round Application (30%)

    6-feb-2024 15.07.38

    network of exceptional Sponsors NOVA Sponsors of Past Events Mentors4u Partner over the years ... di interesse 11 Eventi – I formati offerti Conferenza Annuale Networking Events Evento annuale di punta

  • 20. Bando di concorso per l'ammissione ai corsi di Dottorato di Ricerca XXXVI Ciclo (28%)

    24-giu-2020 11.28.01

    ) Dottorato Internazionale Coordinatore Prof.ssa Antonina PIRROTTA Dipartimento Ingegneria Totale Posti ... Dottorato Internazionale Coordinatore Prof. Filippo SCHILLECI Dipartimento Architettura Totale ... FORESTRY Dottorato Internazionale Coordinatore Prof. Tiziano CARUSO Dipartimento Scienze Agrarie ... BUCCHIERI Dipartimento Biomedicina, Neuroscienze e Diagnostica Avanzata Totale Posti con borsa 10 ... Internazionale Coordinatore Prof. Giorgio Domenico Maria MICALE Dipartimento Ingegneria Totale Posti