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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Galleria di articoli (100%)

    22-mag-2017 11.02.27

    articolo, Attività formative, Educational training Attività formative Le attività formative previste per gli allievi del XXXIII ciclo di dottorato in scienze fisiche ammontano a circa 20 CFU. Tali attività prevedono la partecipazione a corsi dedicati agli allievi del dottorato, a corsi mutuati dalla dalla laurea magistrale in fisica, a cicli di lezioni e seminari organizzati dal collegio dei ... annualmente dal Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica. Educational training The training activities

  • 2. Research areas (30%)

    27-set-2019 13.53.40

    is interested in scientific and educational-training activities pertaining the functions and vital mechanisms ... in scientific and educational-training activities pertaining Zoology: study of protozoa, metazoans, their ... interested in the scientific and educational-training activity, as well as in the care activity consistent

  • 3. Curriculum_Vitae_Giorgio_Baiamonte (21%)

    9-gen-2020 13.11.00

    educational training 2. Employment 3. Previous positions at the same University 4. Research areas and ... 1. Personal data and educational training Place of Birth: Palermo (Italy); Date of Birth

  • 4. ING-IND/12 – Mechanical and Thermal Measurement (20%)

    10-giu-2019 14.11.06

    ING-IND/12 – Mechanical and Thermal Measurement Enginnering, ING-IND/12 – Mechanical and Thermal Measurement, Research Description: Mechanical and Thermal Measurement Group operates within the Department of Engineering of the University of Palermo. In accordance with the declaration of the scientific sector, the Group is interested in scientific and educational-training activities in the field of Mechanical and Thermal Measurements. The cultural domains of the sector bring together all

  • 5. ING-IND/12 – Mechanical and Thermal Measurement (20%)

    10-giu-2019 14.09.13

    ING-IND/12 – Mechanical and Thermal Measurement Enginnering, ING-IND/12 – Mechanical and Thermal Measurement, Research Description: Mechanical and Thermal Measurement Group operates within the Department of Engineering of the University of Palermo. In accordance with the declaration of the scientific sector, the Group is interested in scientific and educational-training activities in the field of Mechanical and Thermal Measurements. The cultural domains of the sector bring together all

  • 6. ALLEGATO A_Offerta formativa FORTHEM campus Valencia Digital Transformation (20%)

    28-ott-2022 9.42.29

    for educational training English 2 1 Digitization and quality of life of health professionals English 2 1

  • 7. h2020-call-pt-ria-ia-2018-20_en (18%)

    4-apr-2018 13.53.28

    -making, setting standards, skills and educational training where relevant. Your plan should

  • 8. h2020-call-pt-ria-ia-2018-20_en (18%)

    10-apr-2018 10.24.45

    -making, setting standards, skills and educational training where relevant. Your plan should

  • 9. Programma_UDM2018_ (15%)

    21-set-2018 10.39.22

    for educational training; Delegate of the President of Sicilian Region On. Prof. Lorenzo Fioramonti