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  • 1. Streaming Event Presentation of the Center for Sustainability and Ecological Transition (100%)

    16-gen-2023 9.54.09

    Streaming Event Presentation of the Center for Sustainability and Ecological Transition Center for Sustainability and Ecological Transition, CSTE, CSTEen, streaming CSTE, The presentation of the University's Sustainability and Ecological Transition Center was held on Friday 8 April 2022. The event can be viewed on the UniPa YouTube channel at the following link: View the Postes GIOVANNI LA ROSA /sites/portale/_categories/articolo/

  • 2. Avviso di Seminario - BECOMING ECOLOGICAL: SHOPPING PRACTICES FOR ‘ZERO WASTE LIVING’(07.05.2021) – Prof. Mara MIELE (97%)

    21-lug-2022 8.11.21

    Avviso di Seminario - BECOMING ECOLOGICAL: SHOPPING PRACTICES FOR ‘ZERO WASTE LIVING’(07.05.2021) – Prof. Mara MIELE saaf, agraria, dottorato, attivita, BECOMING,ECOLOGICAL, Prof. M.MIELE, BECOMING ECOLOGICAL: SHOPPING PRACTICES FOR ‘ZERO WASTE LIVING’(07.05.2021) – Prof. Mara MIELE All PhD students and all the interested colleagues are kindly invited to attend the meetings. In the attached flyers, the link to the virtual room of the meetings has been indicated. Brochure Presentation MARIO

  • 3. SEMINARIO/Boosting Ecological Transition in the Agricultural Sector - 26/06/024 (93%)

    17-giu-2024 8.19.48

    SEMINARIO/Boosting Ecological Transition in the Agricultural Sector - 26/06/024 saaf, agraria, dottorato, seminari, seminario, attivita, attivita formative, ecological transition, economia circolare Nell'ambito del progetto PRIN ‘Boosting Ecological Transition in the Agricultural Sector’ il giorno 26 giugno alle ore 9:30 presso l'Aula Magna G.P. Ballatore si terrà una giornata di studio sui temi dell'economia circolare. Locandina VALERIO LOMBARDO /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/

  • 4. c v prof mulder (60%)

    20-mag-2022 12.25.21

    of their general ecological significance in the Holocene. – Palaeoecology of Africa 26: 161–188, Balkema, Rotterdam. 8. MULDER, Ch., ELLIS, R.P., 2000. Ecological significance of South-West African ... . 10. MULDER, Ch., 2001. Quantitative correlations between mycoflora and landscape ecological ... simulated evidence of ecological shifts within the soil nematode community of agroecosystems under ... of soil ecological classification and assessment concepts in soil protection. – Ecotoxicology and

  • 5. cv_benedetti cecchi (49%)

    5-mar-2021 9.48.40

    ° Programma Quadro. 2000 - Membro della Ecological Society of America, della Società Italiana ... , Ecological Monographs, Ecology, Ecological Applications, Journal of Animal Ecology, Oikos, Oecologia ... Ecological Society, NERC (Natural Environment Research Council, UK), US-Israel Binational Science ... e internazionali: 2019 Ecological experiments in the era of macroecology and big-data (Plenary ... : do we still need ecological experiments in the era of big data and macroecology? Hopkings Marine

  • 6. pollice_curriculum (49%)

    5-mag-2020 12.17.59

    del convegno Spatial Data Methods for Environmental and Ecological Processes, Foggia, 14-15 settembre ... della seconda edizione del convegno Spatial Data Methods for Environmental and Ecological Processes ... sollecitate Issues in Ecological Statistics della XLVII Riunione Scientifica della Società Italiana ... della sessione Spatial modeling for ecological processes del workshop Statistical inference ... , Organizzatore delle sessioni Bayesian ecological modelling and biodiversity assessment e Entropy

  • 9. congresso-uzi-82-BOOK-ABSTRACT (48%)

    12-set-2023 16.00.50

    , health and the ecological transition. Among the several strategic fields identified in the Plan, the M.U.R. indicated Biodiversity as a crucial theme to support socio-ecological and economic ... points of view (taxonomic, genetic, ecological, functional…) and in all different macroecological ... has a very limited knowledge of these species, and a low awareness of their ecological relevance ... techniques, ensuring the molecular identification of species and providing genetic data for ecological

  • 10. 12th Annual Conference "Socio-Ecological Crisis and the Political Economy of Sustainability" (48%)

    21-apr-2022 17.17.10

    Bologna articolo, notizia, convegni_seminari_seas, call_for_papers_seas, 12th Annual Conference - International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE) "Socio-Ecological Crisis and the Political Economy of Sustainability" 7-9 September 2022, Bologna (Italy) Webpage Call ... -Ecological Crisis and the Political Economy of Sustainability" EMANUELA MIRAGLIA 12th Annual Conference - International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE) "Socio-Ecological Crisis

  • 11. Workshop "Energy communities for ecological transition. The integrated urban design of spaces and technologies" (48%)

    6-feb-2024 8.50.01

    Workshop "Energy communities for ecological transition. The integrated urban design of spaces and technologies" darch, architettura, workshop, urbanistica Il workshop "Energy communities for ecological transition. The integrated urban design of spaces and technologies" - organizzato dalla Professoressa Alessandra Badami - Ordinario di Urbanistica- si svolgerà domani 18.01.2024 ... di Architettura. Locandina ANDREA SANTORO Il workshop "Energy communities for ecological

  • 12. Workshop "Energy communities for ecological transition. The integrated urban design of spaces and technologies" (48%)

    22-gen-2024 14.54.56

    Workshop "Energy communities for ecological transition. The integrated urban design of spaces and technologies" darch, architettura, workshop, urbanistica Il workshop "Energy communities for ecological transition. The integrated urban design of spaces and technologies" - organizzato dalla Professoressa Alessandra Badami - Ordinario di Urbanistica- si svolgerà domani 18.01.2024 ... di Architettura. Locandina ANDREA SANTORO Il workshop "Energy communities for ecological

  • 13. Workshop "Energy communities for ecological transition" (45%)

    18-giu-2024 11.33.45

    Workshop "Energy communities for ecological transition" centro transizione ecologica, newscentro, sostenibilità, seminario, evento, #sdg7, #sdg11, Giovedì 18 gennaio 2024, dalle ore 09.30 alle 12.00, in Aula 3.6 (presso il Dipartimento di Architettura, Viale delle Scienze - Palermo - edificio14) si è tenuto un seminario dal titolo Energy communities for ecological transition - the integrated urban design of spaces and technologies-. - Visualizza locandina del seminario; Photogallery

  • 14. cv prof barbara cafarelli 18 07 2021_signed (40%)

    20-mag-2022 12.25.24

    Methods for Environmental and Ecological Processes- 2nd Edition. The 2011 European Regional Conference ... organizzatore del Convegno internazionale: “Spatial Data Methods for Environmental and Ecological ... internazionale: “Spatial Data Methods for Environmental and Ecological Processes”, Baia delle Zagare, 14 ... Data Methods for Environmental and Ecological Processes”, Baia delle Zagare, 14-15 settembre 2006 7 ... for Environmental and Ecological Processes – 2nd Edition” - - 2nd Edition, , Baia Delle Zagare 1-2

  • 15. Presentation and educational aims (40%)

    27-mar-2024 16.11.34

    Overview dottorato, presentazione, CSTE, The PhD in Ecological Transition focuses on issues related ... , adequate access to food, education and equal opportunities. The PhD in Ecological Transition therefore ... , urban planning) and will therefore be trained to examine problems related to ecological transition from an interdisciplinary point of view, horizontally integrating sustainability and ecological ... challenges facing society today, such as combating climate change, sustainable development and ecological

  • 16. Activities (40%)

    13-dic-2023 12.31.02

    Center for Sustainability and Ecological Transition (CSTE), was held in the Sala Magna of the Steri ... on Sustainability and Ecological Transition (30 March 2023) centro transizione ecologica, newscentro ... Forum on Sustainability and Ecological Transition on 30 March 2023. Here, a dialogue process ... of the Centre for Sustainability and Ecological Transition to the Student Community centro ... February 2023, the presentation of the University's Centre for Sustainability and Ecological

  • 17. SAE_Electric mobility (39%)

    23-gen-2020 9.14.36

    Behaviour and the New Ecological Paradigm to investigate the determinants affecting this intentional ... vehicles; farmer’s market; theory of planned behaviour; new ecological paradigm JEL classifications: Q13 ... Ecological products contributes to making the chain more sustainable, Paradigm (NEP). The firms ... Behaviour and the New Ecological Authors, adding the trust construct to the original TPB, agree ... that behaviour (Shin and Hancer, New Ecological Paradigm 2016). Perceived Behavioural Control (PBC) consists

  • 18. Progetto: “Utilizzo dei social media, stati emotivi e soddisfazione della propria immagine corporea: uno studio con la metodologia EMA (Ecological Momentary Assessment)” (39%)

    2-gen-2024 12.24.33

    Progetto: “Utilizzo dei social media, stati emotivi e soddisfazione della propria immagine corporea: uno studio con la metodologia EMA (Ecological Momentary Assessment)” articolo, notizia, unipa Il progetto “Utilizzo dei social media, stati emotivi e soddisfazione della propria immagine corporea: uno studio con la metodologia EMA (Ecological Momentary Assessment)” mira a valutare se la tipologia di attività (es.: tipo di SM utilizzati, uso passivo e/o attivo dei SM, pubblicazione

  • 19. Schede_1_31 (39%)

    6-lug-2022 9.49.35