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Risultati della ricerca
1. Complexity Science Hub Vienna (100%)
4-apr-2017 10.31.10Complexity Science Hub Vienna Mantegna, notizia, Complexity Science Hub, Vienna Il Prof. Rosario Mantegna è stato invitato dal Presidente del Complexity Science Hub di Vienna come "External Faculty member" per il periodo Aprile 2017 - Aprile 2020. Il Complexity Science Hub è una iniziativa di eccellenza del Governo Austriaco volta a comprendere i sistemi complessi su una base ... discipline quantitative e computazionali. The Complexity Science Hub Vienna (http://csh.ac.at/index
3. Seminario (9%)
9-ott-2017 10.08.44Seminario articolo, seminario,Thurner 13 Ottobre 2017, aula Specializzazione, DIFC, Viale delle Scienze Ed. 18 How statistics appears from sample space reducing processes — all of it — from Gauss to Zipf Stefan Thurner1,2* 1. Section for Science of Complex Systems, Medical University of Vienna, Austria 2. Complexity Science Hub, Vienna, Austria *thurner@univie.ac.at Abstract CECILIA MACALUSO 13 Ottobre 2017, aula Specializzazione, DIFC, Viale delle Scienze Ed. 18 How statistics appears
4. Abstract_Thurner (9%)
9-ott-2017 10.04.33DIPARTIMENTO DI FISICA E CHIMICA - DiFC Direttore: prof.ssa Stefana Milioto How statistics appears from sample space reducing processes — all of it — from Gauss to Zipf 13 Ottobre 2017, aula Specializzazione, DIFC, Viale delle Scienze Ed. 18 Stefan Thurner1,2* 1. Section for Science of Complex Systems, Medical University of Vienna, Austria 2. Complexity Science Hub, Vienna, Austria *thurner@univie.ac.at Sample space reducing (SSR) processes are simple path dependent processes
5. Lectures Series: Complexity Days (9%)
28-mar-2024 10.41.43Lectures Series: Complexity Days notizia, complex systems, complex networks, agent-based models, lecture Wednesday 03/04/2024 Graphs and Matrices 1 Thursday 04/04/2024 Graphs and Matrices 2 Friday 05/04/2024 Advanced Agent-based Models: Railways dynamics All lectures will be held in Via Archirafi 36, Aula B 15:00-17:00 Prof. Vito Servedio, Complexity Science Hub, Vienna Keywords: The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link CECILIA MACALUSO /sites/portale/_categories/notizia
6. TemplateSeminari_DIFC_en_SERVEDIO (9%)
27-mar-2024 13.44.39Lectures Series: Complexity Days Wednesday 03/04/2024 Graphs and Matrices 1 Thursday 04/04/2024 Graphs and Matrices 2 Friday 05/04/2024 Advanced Agent-based Models: Railways dynamics All lectures will be held in Via Archirafi 36, Aula B 15:00-17:00 Prof. Vito Servedio, Complexity Science Hub, Vienna Keywords: complex systems, complex networks, agent-based models The abstract of the seminar can be viewed at the following link Fabrizio Microsoft® Word per Microsoft
7. Terza Missione 2017 (8%)
22-mag-2019 17.09.40, Austria 2. Complexity Science Hub, Vienna, Austria *thurner@univie.ac.at Seminario Martedì 17
8. Mantegna Rosario Nunzio_CV_pubblicazione (8%)
7-feb-2022 16.19.15. • Membro della External Faculty del Complexity Science Hub Vienna, Vienna, Austria
9. Seminari (8%)
18-nov-2024 8.49.51will be held in Via Archirafi 36, Aula B 15:00-17:00 Prof. Vito Servedio, Complexity Science Hub