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Ricerca avanzata per:

Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. PhD School of BIOMEDICINE AND NEUROSCIENCE - Academic Activities (100%)

    22-giu-2017 17.07.02

    PhD School of BIOMEDICINE AND NEUROSCIENCE - Academic Activities Dottorato, Biomedicina, Neuroscienze, Attività formative, PhD, Biomedicine, Neurosciences, Academic Activities » Attività formative XXIX Ciclo. » Attività formative XXX Ciclo. » Ciclo di Seminari: Elementi di Statistica e di Calcolo delle Probabilità, Prof. Giuseppe Curcurù, Aula “E. Nesci”, Sezione di Anatomia Umana, dall'11 febbraio al 2 marzo 2015 (Scarica programma in pdf) » CICLO DI EVENTI Formazione per la RicercaProgetto

  • 2. Academic Activities (44%)

    23-giu-2023 12.56.03

    BIOMEDICINA DIAGNOSTICA AVANZATA NEUROSCIENZE DARIO LA SALA Academic activities articolo, notizia, unipa

  • 3. Academic activities (44%)

    22-giu-2023 17.47.16

    Academic activities articolo, notizia, unipa DARIO LA SALA


    26-mag-2017 17.18.43

    – Support to Academic Activities. PhD students may be requested to support academic activities ... of 40 hours a year. A list of the undertaken academic activities should be attached to the final

  • 5. guidelines-JEAN-MONNET-CHAIRS (16%)

    15-nov-2016 15.06.25

    Chairs are inscribed in their institution's official academic activities. The higher education ... percentage takes account of the additional academic activities included in a Chair such as staff costs

  • 6. 17 ottobre 2022 Facsimile presentazione domanda PRIN PNRR EN (16%)

    27-ott-2022 12.12.51

    responsibility (max 2.000 characters) o Scientific organisations/Coordination of academic activities ... (max 2.000 characters) o Scientific organisations/Coordination of academic activities (max 2.000

  • 7. Example Double Master agreement (14%)

    17-apr-2015 13.39.34

    academic activities, including the hours studying and doing homework that the student must dedicate ... as other directed academic activities, including the hours studying and doing homework that the student

  • 8. Programme-Guide (11%)

    8-mar-2013 17.33.54

  • 9. Restani Curriculum vitae (11%)

    2-apr-2020 16.40.07

    , Philologus, Acta musicologica ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES INSTITUTIONAL COMMITTEES Evaluation committees

  • 10. CivilEngineeringDegree (11%)

    7-apr-2017 16.50.32

    , participation in trade fairs and conferences. All academic activities contribute, in varying

  • 11. Fiore (11%)

    4-apr-2017 15.52.07

    skills will contribute, in varying degrees, all the academic activities, within which an important role

  • 12. scheda.trasparenza(5) (11%)

    7-apr-2017 13.11.22

    skills will contribute, in varying degrees, all the academic activities, within which an important role

  • 13. ING-IND/06 – Fluid dynamics (11%)

    26-giu-2019 21.03.22

    academic activities inside the aerospace specific studies branches. More precisely, the aims at issue

  • 14. curriculum Stefana Garello (11%)

    18-giu-2021 13.48.56

    ) (600 €). 2017 Erasmus Scholarship for five months at Leiden University (1500 €). Other Academic Activities July 2019 – March 2020 Tutor for Students of the University of Palermo (200 h


    16-apr-2021 13.29.36

    articolo, notizia, unipa Attività Formative - Academic Activities L'offerta formativa della nostra Scuola di Dottorato comprende: - Seminari specialistici e finalizzati che comprendono interventi tematici tenuti interamente da docenti di atenei esteri e ricercatori di enti di ricerca estera. Gli argomenti verteranno sulle tematiche del dottorato e sugli obiettivi formativi dello stesso.La data esatta ed il luogo di svolgimento di ciascun seminario verranno comunicati con circa 15 giorni

  • 16. Cabrera (11%)

    14-ott-2013 12.22.00

    . Academic activities Co-director of the Research Group in the area of administrative law, Stoa

  • 17. Call PIS_EN version (11%)

    28-ott-2022 10.17.02

    will solely be covered by insurance whilst they perform academic activities, and are covered

  • 18. 20220919_stud-conf_Good practices charter (11%)

    19-set-2022 9.40.08

    Forthem Alliance - Best practices- Common and transparent goals Having a balance between cultural and academic activities Encouraging Student involvment Use the digital to facilitate our exchanges and promote new type of mobility Establishing democratic debate with a clear voting process Having regular briefings on the development of the Alliance and the projects Climate of respect with an equity between student and staff members Good communication practices with transparency

  • 19. Attività formative (11%)

    23-giu-2023 12.59.16

    BIOMEDICINA DIAGNOSTICA AVANZATA NEUROSCIENZE DARIO LA SALA Academic activities articolo, notizia, unipa

  • 20. Visiting Professor Dipartimento Culture e Societa 2024 (11%)

    9-feb-2024 14.15.37

    in academic activities (seminars, conferences, workshops...) worked out by the host institution