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Library services




Photo by Kim van Vuuren from Pexels 

The University of Palermo organizes knowledge promotion activities attributable to the wider Third Mission project, which entails the direct interaction between the University and society.

In line with the commitment of the University, the Library System organizes activities and culture promotion events for the community and citizens, and carries out innovative projects, aimed at the dissemination of research results, experimenting with new tools and languages capable of involving researchers, institutions, citizens, teachers and students of all ages.

The goal of the library system is making the production of culture, development and innovation an inclusive process shared with the community: for this reason, it promotes Public Engagement actions defined by ANVUR as "the set of non-profit activities carried out by the University with educational, cultural and social development value" so as to obtain the involvement of a wider audience.

Particular attention, stemming from these assumptions, is paid to cultural projects with schools: communicating and sharing research with a wider audience than the traditional students and teachers, means creating public events open to the community, educational publications, active participation in public events organized by other subjects, internal and external to the University, educational and popular initiatives for children and young people.

The commitment of the academic world to the implementation of forms of cooperation and exchange between the University community and the territory, institutions and businesses is necessary to enable scientific research, produced by the University, to rediscover and exercise a socially and politically active role.

This section was created to point out the activities promoted by the Library System: reading education events, activities to promote university libraries, projects aimed at disseminating scientific research, conceived by the Library System, as well as the participation in initiatives in collaboration with the cultural associations of the region, and with the Municipality of Palermo, as part of the Pact for reading.