FAQ on the Institutional Repository of the University of Palermo (Iris)
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Workflow and suggestions for self-archiving
To enter a new product, the author must be in “personal view” and click on the “Nuova pubblicazione” (New Product) button in the products desktop screen:
It should be remembered that your scientific production can be imported from your LoginMiur personal page to the Iris products desktop by writing to iris@unipa.it.
It is a delicate moment where the utmost attention must be paid, because the choice made determines whether or not there are metadata in the descriptive steps.
The table below shows the types/sub-types that are in Iris and visible at the time of entering a new product. In the case of the “Other” type, the sub-type is proposed later.
The type can be changed at all stages of entering a new product, by supplementing the necessary metadata. Even in the case of products that have already been validated, if you are responsible for the data, you can reopen the product sheet and change the type: this determines a new validation process.
Type |
Sub-type |
01. Contributo in rivista (Contribution to journal) |
1.01 Articolo in rivista (Journal article) |
1.02 Recensione in rivista (Review – in a journal) |
1.03 Scheda bibliografica (Index card) |
1.04 Nota a sentenza (Commentary to the judgement) |
1.05 Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista (Conference proceedings article - in a journal) |
1.06 Lettera (Letter) |
1.07 Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista (Conference proceedings article - in a journal) |
1.08 Poster pubblicato in rivista (Conference proceedings poster - in journal) |
1.09 Review essay |
1.10 Contributo a forum/dibattito, Introduzione (Contribution to forum/debate, Introduction) |
1.11 Nota o commento (Note or commentary – in a journal) |
1.12 Traduzione in rivista (Translation - in journal) |
1.13 Abstract in rivista (Abstract - in journal) |
02. Contributo in volume (Contribution to book / monograph) |
2.01 Capitolo o Saggio (Book chapter) |
2.02 Prefazione/Postfazione (Preface/Afterword) |
2.03 Breve introduzione (Short introduction) |
2.04 Voce (in dizionario o enciclopedia) (Entry - in a dictionary or encyclopaedia) |
2.05 Recensione in volume (Review - in a book) |
2.06 Scheda di catalogo, repertorio o corpus (Catalogue, repository or corpus index) |
2.07 Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume (Conference proceedings contribution – in a book |
2.08 Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume (Conference proceedings abstract – in a book) |
2.09 Poster pubblicato in volume (Conference proceedings poster – in a book) |
2.10 Nota o commento (Note or commentary – in a book) |
2.11 Traduzione in volume (Translation – in a book) |
03. Monografia (Monograph) |
3.1 Monografia (Monograph) |
3.2 Concordanza (Concordance) |
3.3 Indice (Index) |
3.4 Bibliografia (Bibliography) |
3.5 Edizione critica di testi/di scavo (Critical/scientific edition of texts / of excavations) |
3.6 Pubblicazione di fonti inedite (Publication of unpublished sources) |
3.7 Commento scientifico (Scientific commentary) |
3.8 Traduzione di libro (Translation of a book) |
04 Testi di dottorato (Doctoral thesis) |
4.1 Tesi di dottorato (Doctoral thesis) |
4.2 Tesi di dottorato pre-2013 (Pre-2013 doctoral thesis) |
05 Dati della ricerca (Research data) |
5.1 Audiovisual |
5.2 Dataset |
5.3 Image |
5.4 Model |
5.5 Sound |
5.6 Text |
5.7 Other |
06. Intervento a convegno non pubblicato (Unpublished intervention in conference) |
6.1 Paper non pubblicato (Unpublished conference proceedings paper) |
6.2 Abstract non pubblicato (Unpublished conference proceedings abstract) |
6.3 Poster non pubblicato (Unpublished conference proceedings poster) |
07 Curatela (Editorship) |
7.1 Curatela (Editorship) |
08 Brevetto (Patent) |
8.1 Brevetto (Patent) |
09 Other |
9.1 Other sub-types available in the second screen: |
Audio Banca dati (Database) Cartografia (Cartography) Collezione (Collection) Composizione (Composition) Design Disegno (Drawing) Esposizione (Exhibition) Learning Object Immagine (image) Manufatto (Artefact) Mostra (Exhibition/Show) Performance Progetto architettonico (Architectural project) Prototipo d'arte e relativi progetti (Prototype of art and related projects) Pubblicazione su portale (Publication on portal) Rapporto tecnico (Technical report) Software Sito web (Website) Tutorial Video Other |
To display the definitions of the types and sub-types in Iris (List of Scientific Product Types and Sub-types in the Institutional Repository of the University of Palermo (IRIS) and their definitions), click here.
The first step in the self-archiving workflow consists of signing the “Licenza d'uso” (Submission Licence)”. This obligation, as specified in Article 4 of the University Regulation for the Deposit of Publications in the Institutional Repository and for Open Access to Scientific Literature, is necessary to complete the entry of a research product in the UniPA Iris Institutional Repository. If the process is interrupted or resumed at a second time, the deposit licence must be accepted again.
This fulfillment is necessary in order to proceed with the self-archiving process. The label buttons in the bottom of the page mean: I Do Not Grant the licence – I Grant the Licence.
There are a set of marked fields in the product card. It is compulsory to fill these in and they are linked the entry of the information required for assessment exercises, also related to the minimum bibliographical data that can permit tracing of the publication.
In order to promote more effective visibility on the web, it is also recommended that the following elements be entered:
- Abstract in English: compiling the product abstract in English as well promotes its dissemination and visibility on the web.
- Settore scientifico disciplinare (Scientific Discipline Sector) of the product
- URL of the publisher (Open access where possible)
- Alternative URL to the publisher’s one
The steps to take for fill in the string are:
1. Type or paste the names of the authors in the original format in the “Autori” (Authors) box;
You can click on the “Mostra opzioni” (show options) box on the right. They will be displayed thus:
- the “stile” (style) button through which the citation style used in the string can be indicated. A drop-down menu where you will find the default “autoriconoscimento” (self-recognition) value or, alternatively you can choose between APA or MLA in the drop-down menu.
- The “separatore persone” (persons separator) button, where you can type the graphical element that acts as a separator between the names (e.g. the comma - , - or semi-colon -;-)
2. At this point, you must click on the button on the right “Elabora stringa autori” (Process author string).
3. The system will process the typed string and present a summary table indicating the names of the authors. The names will take on different colours and will be:
- in green if acknowledged to be internal to the University;
- in light grey if external;
- in yellow if the acknowledgement needs to be disambiguated.
To disambiguate authors, you must click on the name of the author where you must intervene.
The colours associated with the status of the authors are also put forward again in the author string.
The summary table presents the following columns:
- Autore (Author): name of the author
- Afferenza (Affiliation): indicates the author’s affiliation. If a value is put to them in the database, the following data are shown: Qualification, Affiliation, SSD, Competition sector, ID number, Email.
- Attributi di responsabilità (Responsibility attributes): there is the possibility of indicating whether the author is a Corresponding Author (internal author who follows the report in relation to the publisher).
- Tipo (Type): indicates the contribution type that the author has given to the product (according to the CRedit classification and the CINECA supplements). The value “Not specified” appears as default. A list of the items in the drop-down menu with their definitions is shown below:
Membro del collaboration group (Member of the collaboration group) (Item supplemented by CINECA).
Contributor Roles/Conceptualization: the ideas, i.e. the formulation or evolution of the goals and general purposes of the research.
Contributor Roles/Data curation: Management activities for commenting (or rather producing metadata), cleaning the data and maintaining the research data (including the software code, where this is necessary for interpreting that data), both for initial use and subsequent re-use.
Contributor Roles/Formal analysis: Application of statistical, mathematical and computational techniques or other formal techniques to analyse and summarise the study data.
Contributor Roles/Funding acquisition: Acquisition of financial support for the project that gave rise to this publication. Contributor Roles/Investigation: Conducting a research and investigation process, carrying out the experiments in a specific way or collecting data and tests. Contributor Roles/Methodology: Development and design of methodology; creation of models.
Contributor Roles/Project administration: Management and coordination responsibility for the planning and execution of research activities.
Contributor Roles/Resources: Supply of study materials, reagents, materials, patients, laboratory samples, animals, instrumentation, calculation resources and other analysis tools.
Contributor Roles/Software: Software programming and development; design of computer programs; implementation of the code and support algorithms; testing of already existing code components.
Contributor Roles/Supervision: Supervision and responsibility for the planning and execution of the research activities, including external academic guidance to the working group.
Contributor Roles/Validation: Verification, both as part of the activity and external to it, of the overall reproducibility of the experiments and all the research results.
Contributor Roles/Visualization: Preparation, creation and presentation of the published work, in particular with regard to the image or presentation of the data.
Contributor Roles/Writing – original draft: Preparation, creation and presentation of the published work, in particular the initial drafting of the project (including the substantial translation).
Contributor Roles/Writing – review & editing: Preparation, creation and presentation of the work published by the original working group, in particular the critical review, commentary or revision - including the pre- or post publication stages.
- Posizione autore (Author position): the possible values are N/A, First, Co-first, Second, Penultimate, Ultimate, Co-ultimate
- Disconosci (Disclaim): if active, this allows you to dis-acknowledge an author from the product. If you find yourself in the presence of an author acknowledged by the system, but who you consider is not the author of the product, you can dis-acknowledge him/her by clicking on the wastebin-shaped button or by clicking inside the author string and selecting the item “External” (in the drop-down menu which appears). A dis-acknowledged author takes on a dark grey colouring.
Next to the name of every author, there is a box called “Author position” where it is possible to indicate the order of the authors. This is linked to the level of responsibility held by the authors for a product. This box is set by default on N/A (not assigned) but, if you open the drop-down menu, you can indicate whether the author is question is:
- primo |
- first |
- co-primo |
- co-first |
- secondo |
- second |
- penultimo |
- penultimate |
- co-ultimo |
- co-last |
- ultimo |
- last |
Two (or more) “co-first” and “co-last” authors can be set in the same card, but NOT a first author and one (or more) co-first or an ultimate author and one (or more) co-ultimate (the author positions “”first”/”co-first” and “ultimate”/”co-ultimate” are incompatible with each other). You recommended to use this function for the purpose of better specifying the role and contribution of each individual author. It is not however information that must be compulsorily entered.
Coautore straniero (foreign author) means a co-author of any nationality who is affiliated with a foreign institution.
International relevance is usually recognised for a research product that has at least one of the following verifiable indicators:
- that the product is the fruit of an explicit collaboration with researchers or group of researchers affiliated to institutions in other countries (e.g. in international projects);
- that it has also had, or can have, dissemination in the scientific community in other countries for linguistic (publication or translation in another language) or publishing (presence in collections of international writings or in a review of international dissemination) reasons or because of the interest aroused (e.g. via the citations or mentions found through international scientific platforms);
- that it is indexed in international databases and/or repositories;
- that the publication has been submitted to an international scientific committee, i.e. there are foreign scholars in the management and/or editing.
Indication of this information generally allows the University to obtain useful statistical data. In particular, the University Regulations for the deposit of research products in the Institutional Repository and open access to the scientific literature, in compliance with the EU directives and national regulations, provides in Article 7, sub-paragraph 5: “Under Article 4 of Act no. 112 of 7th October 2013, for all scientific contributions that are the result of research supported financially - in full or in part - by the University of Palermo, MIUR or research bodies overseen by MIUR, the European Union or research bodies overseen by the European Union, and for every other scientific work included in the categories admitted for funding, the published version of the archived file is normally made publicly accessible, respectively within 18 months of first publication for publications in the scientific/technical/medical disciplinary areas and within 24 months for the arts and social sciences disciplinary areas with the related metadata (e.g. title, author, affiliation, funding body, review title, etc.) freely available at the time of deposit”.
Filling in the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) field of the dataset allows the individual research product to be related to the related dataset. As is well known, the attribution of a DOI to research data by a trusted repository (such as Zenodo) is an important practice, required not only by European funding lines such as Horizon Europe but also by many publishers. This helps to ensure traceability and accessibility of data associated with research, thus contributing to greater transparency and reproducibility in scientific results.
The field provides a drop-down menu in which authors can select one or more of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under which the content of the product is ascribed. Filling in the field, which is not mandatory and can be repeated, helps to highlight how the research product is framed in relation to the themes set by the United Nations 2030 Agenda and may provide useful indicators on the progress of the University of Palermo's research activities. In order to be able to identify in the most focused way the individual SDG or SDGs of reference, Authors are invited to consult the websites https://sdgs.un.org/goals and https://www.aics.gov.it/home-ita/settori/obiettivi-di-sviluppo-sostenibile-sdgs/ referring to the keywords, targets and outcome indicators of each Goal.
Reference is also made to the page of the Centro di sostenibilità e transizione ecologica di Ateneo (University's Center for Sustainability and Ecological Transition), a Unipa facility that advances the themes set forth in the United Nations 2030 Agenda.
If you want to supplement the metadata of already validated products, you can re-open the product card and make the appropriate modifications. This operation determines a new validation process. To proceed with re-opening the product card with the aim of modifying and/or supplementing it, only if you are “Responsabile scheda” (data controller or form manager), you can click on the “Integra” (integrate data, supplement) item under actions.
You can click on the “Cambia resp. Scheda” button (Change form manager or data controller) to change the name of data controller.
A product can only be removed if it is in a Draft status. In all other cases, to request its removal, you must write to iris@unipa.it.
The record of a product in Iris can have different statuses:
- Bozza (draft): when the entry has not been completed by the author “data controller”;
- In validazione (to be validated): when the entry has been completed by the author and the record must be still be approved by the Director of the Department or his/her representative. In this phase, the person in charge of the data can neither intervene on the metadata nor eliminate the registration;
- Validato (validated): when the record has been validated by the Director of the Department or his/her representative. It should be emphasized that only the person in charge of the data can intervene on the validated recordings;
- Riaperto (re-opened): when, after validation, the author intervenes on the card using the “Riapri” (reopen) button available in the detailed card, but does not complete the operation.
N.B. on reopened status: in order for the file modified by the author to be replaced with the previous one on the public portal, the operator must validate it.
When a new registration is generated in Iris it is associated with an identifier, called handle (14447/XXXXX). This is a permanent identifier that will give access to that recording on the web.
The “Miur” column shows the “status” of the record with regard to sending the publication to the Login MIUR lecturer site.
The transmission of publication metadata from IRIS to the lecturer site (MIUR) takes place every day (normally every night). The transfer concerns both metadata and pdfs. At any time, through the manual action “Re-invia (Sito Docente)” (Update now - Lecturer Site) made available, within the product file, to the archive administrator, the authors, the data manager and superusers in departmental view.
The possible statuses are:
(success): The product has been duly sent to the ministry pages of the all the authors acknowledged in it;
(not sent): Synchronisation with the Lecturer Site is not active for this product. Every author can activate it on an individual basis by using the “Activate synchronisation” function.
NB: Products with a publication date before 2008 are not sent to the lecturer site. If an author wishes to pass them on, synchronisation must be activated.
(Not sent) The product is in temporary status or belongs to a type not mapped on MIUR (e.g. doctoral thesis);
(Warning) The product has not been regularly sent to the ministerial pages ONLY of one or more authors (in this case they are often authors without a profile on the Lecturer site);
(file to transfer): The product has been amended and has not yet been re-sent;
(error):The product has not been transferred to the Lecturer Site because of errors in the metadata entered or failure to compile the compulsory metadata for the transfer.
By clicking on the status for sending to the LoginMiur lecturer site, a window with detailed information and possible suggestions opens.
It should be remembered that sending to LoginMiur is automatic and takes place overnight.
Ance is a ministry database, managed by Cineca, where the journals and series are registered at national level. To enter the details of the jounal in which an article is published, i.e. those of the collection or series that a monograph is part of, the user must click on the ANCE button and find the journal or series that interests him/her.
The search can be performed by title, ISSN or ANCE code. An “Ricerca esatta” (exact search) which takes all the terms entered into consideration can be performed; otherwise, the system automatically adds an asterisk at the beginning and the end so as to find all the titles containing the typed term.
The maximum number of results obtainable from the search is 100 titles; this limit is set at MIUR site level; if the search is too general and returns too many results, the system flags it for the user.
The same type of procedure must be carried out even if the entry of the new publication is by means of identifier (e.g. DOI, Scopus code, etc.).
If the title of the journal or series is not in the ANCE catalogue, the author can request that it be entered in the ANCE catalogue. In this case, the self-archiving of the new product will stay in “bozza” (draft) mode until Cineca proceeds with acknowledging the journal and sending the codes for it.
If you go ahead and request a journal be entered, it is recommended that a reference note (e.g. the title) for the product be entered in the “Altre note” (Other notes) box. This is for the purpose of disambiguating the Cineca replies if the author has made more than one request.
Article 7, sub-paragraph 4, of the University Regulations for the deposit of research products in the Institutional Repository and open access to the scientific literature provides that the author declares whether he/she intends to adhere to the University’s open access policy “During the online self-archiving process, the researcher is explicitly required to decide whether he/she wants to join the University’s OA policy. In case of a refusal to agree on the OA policy, the author will nevertheless be subject to deposit the metadata and files of his/her publications in the repository. The files uploaded on to the repository will not be accessible to the public, except for the provisions of subparagraph 5 here below.” In particular, Article 8, sub-paragraphs 4 and 5, specifies: “4. If the author, in the act of self-archiving his/her scientific works, refuses to join the OA policy, access to the files uploaded on to the repository will be restricted, so that only the descriptive metadata will be shown to the public. In such a case, the full-text version of the contribution, nevertheless, shall always be available to the author(s). The files may also be handled by a few authorized people (system administrator, members of the Working group), exclusively for those administration and conservation purposes, including internal and national research assessment procedures, for which author(s) explicitly allow their use. 5. If the author joins the OA policy, members in the Working group will operate the validation process, that is: a) where the research paper has originally been published in OA mode, the publisher’s digital version will always be accessible; b) when the publisher is listed in Sherpa-ROMEO or similar directories, members in the Working group will comply with the individual publisher’s policy on copyright and OA self-archiving as indicated for each journal (publisher’s final version, post-print, pre-print; c) if the publisher is not listed in Sherpa-ROMEO or similar directories, the research offices and the librarians will comply with the terms of existing contracts with the publisher, which the author must disclose to University when self-archiving the contribution”.
It is possible to select one of the following items in the dedicated box:
- Aderisco alla policy (I accept the policy): on validation, the librarian will set “open access” mode to the attached file ONLY if the publishing agreements, made explicit be me (also under the form of self-certification) permit it
- Non aderisco alla policy (I decline the policy): the attached product file will remain reserved access, for administrative purposes only
NB: Declining the University policy for open access does not invalidate the obligation to upload the pdf.
The entry, even under the form of self-certification, of the terms of the contract signed with the publisher is necessary (in particular, for products with a publication date after the approval of the Regulations - May 2018) to allow the reference librarian to set the access terms for the research product.
The values in the drop-down menu are shown below:
• Dichiaro di disporre della copia del contratto, che allego nella schermata apposita (denominata Carica) |
• Dichiaro che il contratto, che non si allega, è conforme alle politiche di accesso dell’editore (visibili su Sherpa Romeo, sul sito dell’editore o desumibili da copyright, licenza creative commons) |
• Dichiaro di non avere sottoscritto un contratto e di non avere trasmesso i diritti all'editore (L. 633/1941 art. 110) (specificare nel box “autocertificazione” la modalità di accesso al/ai file da impostare su Iris) |
• Dichiaro di essere in attesa di contratto definitivo (da utilizzare se il prodotto è in fase di pubblicazione) |
• Non ho aderito alla policy open access dell’Ateneo |
• Informazione non disponibile (da utilizzare solo per prodotti pubblicati prima dell’emanazione del Regolamento di Ateneo del maggio 2018) |
• Autocertificazione (da inserire nel box sottostante se nessuna delle voci precedenti è utilizzabile) |
You can also enter the pdf of the signed contract in the part of the workflow dedicated to uploading the file. In this case, it is fundamental to select NO in the menu for sending to the Lecturer Site (Login MIUR website transfer).