FAQ on the Institutional Repository of the University of Palermo (Iris)
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Importance of the unique codes
The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID), which was adopted at national level by ANVUR through the I.R.ID.E. Project (Italian Research IDentifier for Evaluation), is a unique identifier, the function of which is to uniquely associate every researcher with his/her scientific publications.
In order to synchronise the profile in LoginMiur with the Iris profile, you must create (if an author does not yet have an identifier) or associate (if an author already has an identifier) an ORCID ID. This operation must only be carried out once.
Once logged in to IRIS, a registration window for the ORCID identifier will appear. To start the procedure, you must click on the Create or associate your ORCID ID button. At this point, you can:
- create a new identifier (for users without ORCID) using the Create a new ORCID button. In this case, you must fill in a form, entering the required data, setting a password and clicking on the key
- associate an already existing identifier using the Associate your ORCID button. In this case, it is sufficient to enter your ORCID credentials and click on the key
The next steps require permissions to associate the ORCID ID with the local system (IRIS) and the national one (LoginMIUR). To complete the synchronisation procedures, just leave the check in the permissions box and always continue using the button .
At the end, the system will re-direct the user to IRIS which will give notice that the process has been completed successfully and will send back a message where the generated ID is communicated.
N.B. It is advisable to update your personal profile in Iris and to fill in the section dedicated to author identifiers with particular attention. The Prontuario per la disambiguazione e sincronizzazione dei profili autore in ORCID e nelle banche dati citazionali (Handbook for the disambiguation and synchronization of author profiles in ORCID and in the citation databases) is available at the following link.
https://www.unipa.it/biblioteche/.content/documenti/fare-ricerca/ServiziRicerca_Sincronizzazione-identificativi-autore.pdf (only Italian).
If a product must be entered in Iris and it is accompanied by one or more identifiers (Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, DOI, ISBN, etc.), it is highly recommended to perform the import using the “Search for identifier” function. You can import the data by entering one or more identifiers together, both of the same type separated by a comma and of a different type. If a publication is found on several databases, a “merge” of the metadata in the various sources is performed.
This allows you to get several benefits:
- reduce the percentage of errors in the metadata compilation;
- facilitate data migration to LoginMiur;
- promote better exposure of the scientific research products of the University of Palermo on the web.
The import can also be performed via the “Import from bibliographic files” function, by loading the file (previously exported from the reference database) in arXiv (xml), BibTex, Csv, Cini (xml), Crossref (xml), Endnote, Isi, Pubmed (xml), Ris or Tsv format.
You must then carefully choose the correct type (see How do I correctly choose the product type to self-archive?) for the product you are self-archiving. It is also recommended to check the captured metadata, making any appropriate amendments and/or corrections.
NB: the products are imported in “draft” status. You must then supplement the fields that are not automatically compiled (at least the compulsory ones) and submit the product to be validated.
To find the identifier code for your publication on Scopus, you must connect to the site http://www.scopus.com/home.url and search for your contribution.
Once the citation has been found, you must pay attention to the URL:
In fact, the identifier code is found in the URL between ?eid= and &origin= as shown in the figure:
To find the identifier code for your publication on Web of Science, you must connect to the site http://webofknowledge.com/ and search for your contribution. Click on the title and scroll through the information on the page until the part entitled “+ See more data fields”. You can find the “Accession number” in this section, i.e. the WOS identifier code, which can be recognised because it is indicated with the acronym WOS: 000……………
To find the identifier code for your publication on PubMed, you must connect to the site https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ and search for your contribution. If you click on the title, an identifier code appears on both the URL and the page, as shown in the figure:
To find the identifier code for your publication on PubMed, you must connect to the site https://arxiv.org/ and search for your contribution.
The identifier code is already visible in the results string, as described in the figure:
If you open the card, the code is visible in the string, as shown in the figure below:
The status of a DOI can be verified via the site https://www.doi.org/. If the DOI is wrong, the anomaly can be reported by filling in a form.
It is only useful to enter an identifier code in Iris if the publisher has assigned the DOI uniquely (=exclusive) to your product. Conversely, the codes assigned by the publisher to a digital object that includes several products simultaneously (e.g. a “book of abstracts” which includes several abstracts presented at a conference or a collective monograph containing several contributions) must not be shown in the product entry screen, because they can end up fruitlessly reporting potential duplicates. Therefore it must verified every time whether your specific product (abstract, chapter in book, contribution to a volume or conference proceedings) has a dedicated DOI, and consequently decide whether to enter the related codes (e.g. DOI and product ID taken retrieved from the WOS, Scopus, Pubmed databases) in the appropriate fields proposed by Iris or overlook them.