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Create your own ORCID profile in IRIS


The unambiguous identification of each author / researcher is the fundamental prerequisite for the correct attribution of scientific contributions in the citation databases and digital archives. ORCID, Inc. is an international non-profit organization, established in 2010 for the benefit of research institutions, research funding bodies, and organizations, publishers and researchers. The acronym ORCID stands for "Open Researcher and Contributor ID"; The objective of ORCID is the creation of a persistent and unique identification register for researchers and scholars and an automatic link with research products (eg: publications, funded projects, patents). Each researcher (even independent scholar) can register for an ORCID identifier on the site

Registration is free and simple: you need to enter your name and surname, your e-mail address and create a password. Cineca, on behalf of the CRUI and ANVUR, was called upon to facilitate the national adoption of ORCID. He then signed a consortium membership agreement with ORCID open to Universities and Research Institutions supervised by MIUR. In this way, each researcher to proceed with the registration can use any application connected to the ORCID National Hub, such as their own IRIS installation, the loginMIUR site or a third-party system.

The University of Palermo joined this agreement in 2015. By virtue of this adhesion, the functional integration between IRIS UniPA and ORCID was also provided, to allow each researcher to activate and / or link their ORCID profile to the publications in the institutional archive. Specifically, when the local system screen (eg IRIS UniPA) indicates the opportunity to proceed with the registration / association of your ORCID profile, the "Create or associate your ORCID iD" button will be used in order to be redirected to the National Hub. On the page that is shown, the researcher will be able to proceed with the creation of a new ORCID that will be automatically communicated to all the applications connected to his profile. By clicking on the "Create a new ORCID" button, you will be asked to fill out a simple web form and authorize the various applications to interact with the ORCID profile thus created / associated.

The structure of the ORCID identifier complies with the ISO 277729 standard established by the ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier). Therefore, ORCID allows and favors the linking of your ORCID record with other standard identifiers and the related databases of scientific publications. For example, researchers can link their SCOPUS Author ID or Researcher ID to ORCID, and also synchronize the data relating to publications in IRIS UniPA with their own ORCID record, using the identification code of each publication present in the main citational databases. Web of Science by Clarivate Analytics and Scopus by Elsevier.

Further information and examples on the subject also in the FAQ section of our web pages, in particular here:

FAQ on the Institutional Archive of the University of Palermo (IRIS). Importance of unique codes