Books, audiobooks and e-books of the Library
All books of UniPa Libraries, both in print and digital form, are searchable through the UniPa Discovery Service, except for the more than 31.000 e-books (novels, handbooks and essays) and thousands of audiobooks available on Media Library Online (MLOL)
- The books of the library may be reserved online by accessing the catalogue.
- E-Books (MLOL or Unipa Discovery Service) may be consulted online or downloaded; for many titles the digital lending service enables to download the e-book, protected by DRM, on one’s personal device, for a limited time, through Adobe digital Editions.
- Audiobooks may be searched and listened in streaming on Media Library Online (MLOL), using institutional credentials.
By clicking on the below listed voices it is possible to see the detailed information sheets of each e-bookplatform insubscription and to know the access modes, the subject areas, the consistence and other important information.