UniPa libraries for distance education
This page proposes collections, services and tools of the libraries for distance education
The librarians provide remote assistance and advice via phone, e-mail, chat (this latter accessible form all pages of the Libraries’ portal, even from this one, through the widget “Ask a librarian”, lower on the right.
It is also available a remote advice service for the publication of research works and the filing on IRIS (online support, sending a mail to: iris@unipa.it)
To reach us, you may also see the page “Contacts” of the Libraries’ portal.
To access from home to the digital collections in subscription (databases, electronic journals, e-books) you need to belong to the academic community and to possess UniPa institutional credentials.
It is possible to log in directly on editorial platforms, entering your UniPa credentials and selecting, among the available options, "via Institution" or "Shibboleth", then "Italian federation IDEM" and then "Universitàdeglistudi di Palermo ".
Some publishing platforms allow access from home exclusively via VPN: L’Annéephilologique, MathSciNet, OECDiLibrary, De Jure, Infoleges + ArchivioDo.gi, LexisNexis Academic, Scifinder, Ulrich’s web and JSTOR.
In this case you need to install the VPN (Virtual Private Network) on your device, following the instructions for configuration on Windows 10, Mac OS X - LEOPARD, LINUX.
The connection to the VPN network enables you to access from home to all the contents of digital collections, but it is advisable, if not necessary, to use University Log in, to avoid overloading of the VPN network.
You need to verify, at first, if the publication is present in the digital collections of UniPa libraries. How can you do?
- Carrying out a bibliographic search by title and/or author or subject on the UniPa Discovery Service.
- Checking if the title is available on the MLOL (Media Library On Line) UniPa platform
- Querying the digital platforms in subscription (data bases, electronic journals, e-books)
- Searching for the partial or integral version of a book on Google Books
- Searching articles on Google Scholar
- Querying also other online open access e-books and journals platforms (IBS free, liberliber, DOAB, DOAJ and others
If you have found your e-book on MLOL (Media Library On Line) UniPa and you want to read it comfortably on your device, you must activate a digital loan by creating an Adobe ID and download Adobe digital Editions. Exceptionally, in these weeks, it is possible to borrow four e-books a month for 14 days.
UniPa libraries offer access to over 350,000 e-books; to find out the titles and editions available in digital format, you can consult the section of the Library Portal dedicated to e-book platforms or search by title, author and/or subject on the UniPa Discovery Service.
In particular, e-books in Italian language are available on the following platforms, accessible by logging in through Unipa credentials:
DarwinBooks Il Mulino (Humanities and Social Science)
EIOEditoriaItaliana Online - TorrossaCasalini (Humanities and Social Science; Technologiesand Applied Sciences)
Media Library Online (MLOL) (Multidisciplinary)
If you did not found, in the resources available in the Unipa digital collection, an edition to use for teaching, you can check if a title:
Is available on the ECM (Ebsco Collection Manager) catalogue, accessing through “visitor” credentials (please refer to the Library officials)or in the MLOL catalogue (Media Library On Line)
and ask to the relevant Library manager for the possibility of purchase
In the absence of titles available on the above mentioned platforms, requests to purchase the digital versions of the teaching manuals, where available, may be communicated to the Library managers who, in coordination with the administrative managers of the departments, will start the related process.