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New rules to prevent Covid19



Information 1st December 2021 - New rules to prevent Covid19

Dear students, in addition to the Rector's note of last September on the rules for attending University premises, the following is an extract from a new note of 1st  December 2021 on the new rules for attending classes in the presence.
In order to avoid any possibility of crowding, students should arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled time for the lesson to start. They must leave the venue immediately after the end of the lesson.
At the University entrance, body temperature will be taken at specific sites identified and communicated in advance.
Entry to classrooms is restricted to the course lecturer and to students enrolled in the course and to technical staff. Students must wear FFP2 masks during their antire stay in the university premises.
All participants in face-to-face classes must have the COVID-19 Green Certificate.
Further information can be found at