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Incoming Erasmus Welcome Day



Incoming Erasmus Welcome Day 2021 14th October

Welcome day for Incoming Students _ web _ 14.10

Dear student,
we are glad to invite you to our "Welcome day for incoming students" on Thursday 14th October from 10.00 to 13.00 a.m.
The event will take place at the "Orto Botanico", Via Lincoln 2 - 90133 Palermo, and is organized by the International Relations Office of the University of Palermo with the participation of ESN Erasmus Student Network and representatives of the facilities offered to all Incoming Students.
The Rector, Rector’s Delegate for International Affairs and the International Office will be glad to give you our welcome.
You will have the possibility to get to know us and you will receive all information about procedures, services and facilities offered to the students.
You will be also offered a tipical sicilian snack!
Due to Covid19 we can welcome only 110 students to the event, so hurry up to register by filling in the form!
Please do not forget that, according to the law in force, the access to all university facilities is only allowed to students who have the Green Certificate.
We are looking forward to meeting you.
Don't miss this opportunity!

Erasmus+ Incoming Office
Registration "Incoming Erasmus Welcome Day 2021" 14th October - 10:00 - Botanical Garden -
Event address: Via Lincoln, 2. 90133 PALERMO 
