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Depending on citizenship, country of residence, length and purposes of the stay in Italy, students may need to obtain a Visa before coming to Italy. Check if you need an entry Visa and the documents required on MAECI Visa for Italy (select Study - EXCHANGE AND MOBILITY PROGRAMME as reasons for your stay).

Students should contact the Italian Consulate or Embassy in their home country to find out what to do. It is strongly recommended to start all relevant Visa applications as soon as possible because the time required to obtain a Visa could be quite long.

There are two types of Visa: short term (Uniform Schengen Visa. type - up to 90 days) and long term (National Visa type more than 90 days). Both types of Visa are issued by the Italian Consulate or Embassy in their home country.

Detailed information on how to apply (depending on the citizenship, the duration and reasons for the stay, the necessity or not of Visa according to the country of origin, etc.) and necessary documents are available on the website of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Non-EU Citizens

Depending on the duration of your stay in Italy, you have to apply for a residence permit or not: if you are a non-EU national and plan to come to Italy for a period exceeding three months, you must apply for a residence permit, while if the length of your stay is less of 3 months you are not required to apply for.
If it is your first time in Italy, you have 8 days to apply for a residence permit.  

Non-EU citizens intending to stay in Italy for more than 90 days must apply for a residence permit/permesso di soggiorno. The application for a residence permit must be presented within 8 days of arriving in Italy. For more information, please contact COT that will provide you with the necessary assistance


Opening a bank account in Italy is not free and there are charges twice a year made for having the account. Procedures for EU students and Non-EU are similar.

Documents required are:

  • codice fiscale Italian tax code (Tax Identification Number)
  • Valid ID Card. For NonUE students the permit of stay (permesso di soggiorno) or the receipt of the post office is required;
  • University Registration form and matriculation number.

Medical coverage is mandatory for all students/trainees in Italy, but procedures are different for EU citizens and non-EU citizens.

The Emergency Medical Service guarantees Health Care Assistance for emergencies occurring during the night time, holidays or pre-holidays which are not covered by the family or local physician. In urgent situations, the physician can provide outpatient services, prescribe medicines, or illness certificates. This service is free for every citizen under the European Health Care System and foreigners with an agreement or in possession of a valid document proving their right to Medical Health Care (European Health Card). For other cases, it is expected payment for the medical visit.


The Tax Identification Number (Codice Fiscale) is an identification document necessary in any relationship between citizens and public administrations. It is necessary to open a bank or a postal account and to enroll in the National Health Service, as well as it must be shown during the enrolment process. It is also required to lodge at the Halls of Residence managed by the Regional Education Agency (A.R.D.S.U.) All students have to apply for this tax code and then return a copy of it to the International Relations Office.

To be granted a tax identification number, foreign citizens must present a valid document (if EU citizens) and a residence permit (if non-EU citizens) at the local office of the, the Italian Revenue Agency.

Non-resident individuals who need to obtain a tax code can apply for it to the Italian consular authorities in the country of residence. It is issued through the computerized link with the Italian Revenue Agency and a certificate is given to the applicant or can submit the request personally to any territorial office of the Revenue Agency.

At the moment of the application, a valid identity card of the applicant must be presented. The documentation, as well as to prove the identity of the subject, must prove the legitimacy of the presence of the subject in Italy. At the moment of the request, the Revenue Office issues a certificate of attribution.

Your “Codice Fiscale” should be issued in real-time.