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The Mediterranean Through Chinese Eyes: An Analysis Based on Geographical and Travel Sources from the Song to Qing Dynasties (960–1911) [MeTChE]

Participation in conferences and panels


The components of the research project have participated in panels and presentations at the following national and international conferences since the months preceding the acquisition of funding, with the aim of sharing preparatory work and initiate an initial discussion with the scientific community:


First All-Mediterranean Chinese Studies Conference
University of Malta
February 1-3, 2023

Transcultural Mediterranean:
Chinese Descriptions of the “Sea among Lands” in Imperial Times

Coordinator and discussant: Renata Vinci (University of Palermo)

Victoria Almonte (Tuscia University of Viterbo)
Du Huan’s Perception of the Mediterranean Area in the VIII Century

Ileana Amadei (Sapienza University of Rome)
Wang Dayuan’s Daoyi zhilüe (1349): Did the World outside the Imperial Borders Stretch to Morocco?

Lara Colangelo (G.D'Annunzio University of Chieti Pescara)
The “Migration” of Roman Law from European and Mediterranean Areas to China: Early Information on the Romanist Legal Tradition in Chinese Sources (Late 19th-Early 20th Cent.)

Miriam Castorina (University of Florence)
Malta and the Mediterranean Sea in 19th Century Chinese Travel Literature

Renata Vinci (University of Palermo)
Mediterranean: The Sea between Lands as Transcultural Space in Kang Youwei’s Travel Diary


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XIX AISC Conference 2023
(Italian Association of Chinese Studies)
Sapienza University of Rome
September 21–23, 2023

Un breviario cinese del Mediterraneo:
come le fonti cinesi di epoca imperiale raccontano il “mare tra le terre”

Coordinator and discussant: Renata Vinci (University of Palermo)

Maurizio Paolillo (L’Orientale University of Naples)
Il volo della fenice. Dall’Egitto alla Cina

Francesca Fariello (L’Orientale University of Naples)
Da Yuan 大宛 e Da Qin 大秦: l’ecumene greco-ellenistica nelle fonti cinesi

Victoria Almonte (Tuscia University of Viterbo )
Il Mediterraneo come via della fede: il divino e il soprannaturale descritti in chiave transculturale da Du Huan e altre opere geografiche Tang e Song

Ileana Amadei (Sapienza University of Roma)
Tracce di Mediterraneo nel Daoyi zhilüe di Wang Dayuan (1349): un percorso tra le terre e i prodotti di un mare forse mai attraversato

Lara Colangelo (G. D’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara)
Il diritto romano come elemento di cultura immateriale europea e mediterranea nelle fonti cinesi di epoca tardo Qing

Renata Vinci (University of Palermo)
“Blu a perdita d’occhio, gli antichi eroi mi fanno visita”: il paesaggio marino come ispirazione per una storia transculturale del Mediterraneo in Kang Youwei

Gabriele Tola (Sapienza University of Roma)
Mediterraneo transculturale nella letteratura di viaggio cinese: la descrizione di monumenti e reperti in Oumei manyou riji (1937)


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Cina Europa
Incroci di vie e connessioni culturali
University of Materata
November 9-10, 2023


Renata Vinci (University of Palermo)
Popoli e personaggi della storia transculturale del Mediterraneo nelle fonti geografiche e odeporiche cinesi


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International workshop
The Perception of the Others
November 28-29, 2023
Tuscia University of Viterbo

dedicated to the representations of the 'other'
in Chinese, Arabic, and Persian sources

Organized by Victoria Almonte (Tuscia University of Viterbo).


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25th Conference
of the European Association of Chinese Studies

University of Tallin
August 27-31, 2024

The Mediterranean through Chinese Eyes (MeTChE): An Analysis Based on Geographical
and Travel Sources from the Song to Qing Dynasties (960–1911)

Proposed by Renata Vinci, Victoria Almonte, Federica Casalin, Miriam Castorina, Yu Yating


Bowu 博物 and meishu 美术: exploring the intercultural dialogue
between China and the West regarding art and material culture
from the late Qing to the Republican Period

Coordinator: Ornella De Nigris (Università di Siena)

Renata Vinci (University of Palermo)
Connecting the Dots for a Map of the Mediterranean Artistic Tradition Through the Pages of Kang Youwei’s Travel Accounts

Miriam Castorina (University of Florence)
Huang Juesi and His Contribution to the Dissemination of European Art in China

Federica Casalin (Sapienza University of Rome)
An Investigation of 19th-Century Chinese Mobility in the Mediterranean Region and the Resemantization of “Bowu”

Go to conference website for program and book of abstracts

• • •

Sinophone Europe
Exploring Sinophone Cultural
Expressions and Identities in Europe

University of Florence
December 13-14, 2024

Organized by the University of Florence Research Unit.

Renata Vinci

Yu Yating

Go to conference website for program and more details