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Pharmacological characterization of uracil nucleotide-preferring P2Y receptors modulating intestinal motility: a study on mouse ileum.

  • Authors: Zizzo MG; Mastropaolo M; Grählert J; Mulè F;Serio R.
  • Publication year: 2012
  • Type: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
  • OA Link:


We investigated the possible modulation of the intestinal contractility by uracil nucleotides (UTP and UDP), using as model the murine small intestine. Contractile activity of a mouse ileum longitudinal muscle was examined in vitro as changes in isometric tension. Transcripts encoding for uracil-sensitive receptors was investigated by RT-PCR. UDP induced muscular contractions, sensitive to PPADS, suramin, or MRS 2578, P2Y6 receptor antagonist, and mimicked by PSB 0474, P2Y6-receptor agonist. UTP induced biphasic effects characterized by an early inhibition of the spontaneous contractile activity followed by muscular contraction. UTP excitatory effects were antagonized by PPADS, suramin, but not by MRS 2578, whilst the inhibitory effects were antagonized by PPADS but not by suramin or MRS 2578. UTPγS, P2Y2/4 receptor agonist but not 2-thio-UTP, P2Y2 receptor agonist, mimicked UTP effects. The inhibitory effects induced by UTP was abolished by ATP desensitization and increased by extracellular acidification. UDP or UTP responses were insensitive to TTX, atropine, or L-NAME antagonized by U-73122, inhibitor of phospholipase C (PLC) and preserved in the presence of nifedipine or low Ca2+ solution. Transcripts encoding the uracil nucleotide-preferring receptors were expressed in mouse ileum. Functional postjunctional uracil-sensitive receptors are present in the longitudinal muscle of the mouse ileum. Activation of P2Y6 receptors induces muscular contraction, whilst activation of P2Y4 receptors leads to inhibition of the contractile activity. Indeed, the presence of atypical UTPsensitive receptors leading to muscular contraction is suggested. All uracil-sensitive receptors are linked to the PLC pathway.