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A review and metanalysis of metronomic oral single-agent cyclophosphamide for treating advanced ovarian carcinoma in the era of precision medicine

  • Authors: Martorana F.; Scandurra G.; Valerio M.R.; Cufari S.; Vigneri P.; Sano M.V.; Scibilia G.; Scollo P.; Gebbia V.
  • Publication year: 2024
  • Type: Articolo in rivista
  • Key words: cyclophosphamide; metaanalysis; Metronomic chemotherapy; ovarian cancer
  • OA Link:


Objective: Oral metronomic cyclophosphamide has been used as a single agent or in combination with other drugs for several solid tumors with interesting results in disease palliation and mild to moderate toxicity, notably in patients with recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) progressing after systemic chemotherapy. In this paper, we report a review and a metanalysis of heterogeneous data published up to date. Data sources: The literature search was restricted to single-agent MOC. The analysis was conducted through March 2023 by consulting PubMed, Embase, Google Scholar, and The Cochrane Library databases. Research string and Medical Subject Headings included “ovarian tumor,” “ovarian carcinoma,” or “ovarian cancer,” “fallopian tube cancer,” “primary peritoneal cancer,” “oral chemotherapy,” and “metronomic cyclophosphamide.” All articles were assessed for quality by at least two investigators independently, and a < 18 patients sample size cutoff was chosen as a lower limit with a Cohen's kappa statistical coefficient for accuracy and reliability. Metanalysis of selected papers was carried out according to a fixed model. Data summary: The percentage of agreement between investigators on literature study selection was very high, reaching 96.9% with a Cohen's k of 0.929. MOC pooled objective response rate (ORR) and disease control rate for recurrent or platinum-refractory ovarian cancer were 18.8% (range 4–44%) and 36.2% (range 16–58.8%), respectively. The mean progressive-free survival and overall survival were 3.16 months (range 1.9 to 5.0 months) and 8.7 months (range 8 to 13 months), respectively. The fixed model metanalysis of selected studies showed a 16% median ORR (12–20% CI, p < 0.001). Conclusions: Single-agent oral cyclophosphamide in EOC holds promise as a treatment option, even in the era of precision medicine. Genetic factors, such as DNA repair gene polymorphisms, may influence treatment response. Combining cyclophosphamide with biological agents such as PARP inhibitors or immunotherapy agents is an area of active investigation.