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Transient reduction of the ocular perfusion pressure and the oscillatory potentials of thr ERG


PURPOSE: To evaluate the changes of the Oscillatory Potentials (OPs) of Electroretinogram (ERG) caused by short-term hypertension in human subjects, and their relationship with ocular perfusion pressure (OPP). METHODS: Suction cup technique in 12 normal volunteers with OPs simultaneously recording. RESULTS: Scotopic and photopic OPs were altered during OPP drop. Scotopic OPs showed more sensitiveness, with higher reduction (from 21% to 47%), when compared to the basal value, than in photopic recordings (from 14% to 34%). In both conditions, the relationship between OPP and OPs presented a steady amplitude before the trough after the +30 step, and rapid recovery after OPP normalisation. ANOVA and correlation analysis confirmed the data. CONCLUSION: The ERG OPs seemed to reflect the OPP modification. The features of OPs amplitudes suggest involvement of the retinal autoregulation mechanism and support development for further clinical studies.