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Organizzazione e diritto alla salute, alla prova della regionalizzazione e dell'aziendalizzazione dei servizi sanitari


The contribution proposes an analysis of the effectiveness of the right to health, deepening the evolution of “regionalization” and “privatization of a state-owned company” of the National Health Service, in comparison with the marked regional differences (gaps) in the provision of Essential Levels of Assistance. The author researches the profile of the organization and of the financing of health services which take on a peculiar complexity in the health sector, in which there is the most complex experience of decentralization and also the introduction of fiscal federalism through the application of the requirement and the standard cost. For the purposes of overcoming health inequalities, the analysis proposes the territoryalization of the standard cost through the introduction of the socio-economic deprivation index and considers fundamental the development of the health care company by enhancing the organizational autonomy and the introduction of an uniform system of internal controls on health services, including the detection of the quality perceived by the user, adequate to support the improvement of services and the uniform fulfillment of Essential Levels of Assistance.