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Gramsci e la questione meridionale in Spagna


The article studies the reception in Spain of Gramsci’s last text written before his arrest, known as “Some Aspects of the Southern Question”. In doing so, we believe we can add a significant element that enriches the history of Gramsci’s reception in Spain in general. We begin in the 2010s, today, with the publication of his work in new translations in the co-official languages of the Iberian state. The essay focuses on the first and most intense phase of dissemination of Gramsci’s thought in Spain: the late 1970s, when Gramsci was the most discussed Marxist in the country. Through the prism of his figure, all the great questions that troubled the Left and especially the Communists at the time of the Transición are addressed. In this context, intellectuals and politicians close to the Italian Communist Party re-evaluated Gramsci’s pre-prison writings (including “Some Aspects of the Southern Question”) in order to have more arguments to support their political perspective, opposed to the party’s Eurocommunist turn.