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Characterization of a new natural fiber from Arundo donax L. as potential reinforcement of polymer composites


The aim of this paper is to study the possibility of using of Arundo donax L. fibers as reinforcement inpolymer composites. The fibers are extracted from the outer part of the stem of the plant, which widelygrows in Mediterranean area and is diffused all around the world. To use these lignocellulosic fibersas reinforcement in polymer composites, it is necessary to investigate their microstructure, chemicalcomposition and mechanical properties.Therefore, the morphology of A. donax L. fibers was investigated through electron microscopy, the ther-mal behavior through thermogravimetric analysis and the real density through a helium pycnometer. Thechemical composition of the natural fibers in terms of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and ash contentswas determinated by using standard test methods.The mechanical characterization was carried out through single fiber tensile tests and a reliabilityanalysis of the experimental data was performed. Furthermore, a mathematical model was applied toinvestigate the relation between the transverse dimension of the fibers and the mechanical properties.