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Quality determinants and effect of therapeutic properties in honey consumption. An exploratory study on italian consumers

  • Authors: Testa R.; Asciuto A.; Schifani G.; Schimmenti E.; Migliore G.
  • Publication year: 2019
  • Type: Articolo in rivista
  • Key words: Apitherapy; Consumers’ behavior; Frequency of consumption; Healthy food; Online survey; Ordered logistic regression
  • OA Link:


Nowadays, more and more consumers show a growing interest in healthy food products that may help to maintain or improve human health, such as honey. Honey has always represented a fundamental component of traditional medicine in many world cultures. However, only thanks to several studies carried out in the last years, its use is considered as an alternative and complementary medicine, namely apitherapy. In this way, honey is recognized increasingly by consumers not only as a natural alternative to refined sugar but as healthy food, as shown by determining an increase of its consumption worldwide. This study aims to explore the consumers’ determinants of honey consumption, trying to understand whether, and how much, therapeutic properties of honey aect the Italian consumers’ choices. The findings of this study, although exploratory, provide information on which quality characteristics influence honey consumption in Italy, revealing that, among quality attributes, the therapeutic properties of honey play an important role in aecting consumers’ behavior, followed by income, variety and taste. This could have some implications for producers and marketers as this information could contribute to defining eective marketing strategies for communicating to consumers the quality attributes of honey and its therapeutic benefits.