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Gli strumenti di monitoraggio e controllo e l’analisi quali-quantitativa dei dati sulla percezione del cyber-bullismo da parte degli insegnanti


In the last ten years it happens less frequently to hear teachers talk about "pranks" when debating about the trend that shows a small number of teenagers and very young students, to put aggressive, violent discriminating, and, in general, victimizing behaviors are taking place. At least, we register this trend in the perception of the teachers we interviewed. It is certainly a sign, or even a consequence, of the fact that the entire educational institution, from the top management to the teachers, for over twenty years now, has become aware not only of the fact that that weren’t "pranks", but seriously aggressive behaviors, but also of the fact that, in addition to pro-sociality and non-aggressiveness, to civil coexistence we need to be "socialized" also through interventions that show the participants who make up the educational institution what it means to live with the differences, which are these gender, ethnicity, culture, but also, banal, the aesthetic appearance, hair color, relationship styles, world views, etc. The question of teachers' perception of what cyber-bullying is - not only technological but also performance evolution of discriminatory and violent behavior perpetrated towards peers - is exactly the object of our brief paper. In the first part, we briefly address the issue of cyberbullying according to the symbolic interactionism, one of the sociologically most fertile paradigms in heuristic terms and one of the most punctual in the ability to offer incontrovertible answers to important questions regarding the relationship between actors who make up a complex social system such as school. In the second part we comment on some data resulting from two surveys - one carried out before the start of the training course to which the Sicilian teachers were addressed and one after the training course - which had, as object, precisely the perception of bullying and cyber-bullying. Some relevant aspects are discussed in the third part. A brief conclusion closes the chapter, opening, however, to considerations that must certainly concern the future of school policies to fight against cyberbullying