Erratum: By promoting cell differentiation, miR-100 sensitizes basal-like breast cancer stem cells to hormonal therapy
- Authors: Petrelli, Annalisa; Carollo, Rosachiara; Cargnelutti, Marilisa; Iovino, Flora; Callari, Maurizio; Cimino, Daniela; Todaro, Matilde; Mangiapane, Laura Rosa; Giammona, Alessandro; Cordova, Adriana; Montemurro, Filippo; Taverna, Daniela; Daidone, Maria Grazia; Stassi, Giorgio; Giordano, Silvia
- Publication year: 2019
- Type: Articolo in rivista
- OA Link:
This article has been corrected: Due to errors in image assembly, the flow cytometry profiles depicting the isotype matched control (IMC) for CD49f on both scramble (scr) and miR-100 reported in Figure 6 are incorrect. Additionally, we noticed that the IMC reported for CD24 and CD10 in miR-100 are the same. Being both CD24 allophycocianin (APC) and CD10 APC IgG1, they should have the same IMC, as already reported. The corrected Figure 6 is shown below. The authors declare that these corrections do not change the results or conclusions of this paper.