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La tutela e la gestione delle risorse idriche nella prospettiva del PNRR


The right to accessing clean and drinkable running water for all is formally ensured in Italy, but it is undeniable that there are substantial distribution and pollution problems that hinder its fulfilment. That is especially true for southern and insular areas where the living conditions for large parts of the population remain problematic. The European Court of Justice has condemned Italy twice already for these deficiencies, which are now aggravated as a result of the health and economic crisis linked to Covid-19 pandemic. Accordingly, there is a pressing need for a serious and systematic intervention of the legislator, leading to the renewal of legislation on national and regional level. The PNRR (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza – National Recovery and Resilience Plan), submitted by Italy under the NGEU (Next Generation EU) programme, represents a unique opportunity to put the spotlight on the extremely sensitive issue of the protection of water resources and to offer a new perspective on the need for an ecological transition.