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FMECA Analyses of radiological over-exposure accident to patients in brachytherapy

  • Authors: Casamirra, M; Castiglia, F; Giardina, M; Tomarchio, E
  • Publication year: 2012
  • Type: eedings
  • Key words: High Dose Rate, radiation therapy, radiological risk, FMECA, fuzzy RPN
  • OA Link:


This paper presents safety analyses of accidental events which can involve patient during High Dose Rate brachytherapy treatment in over-exposures. The study has been performed by using the well-known techniques FMECA modified by Fuzzy logic theory. Moreover, fuzzy HEART methodology was employed in order to evaluate human error probabilities for each treatment stage. The obtained results, aimed to obtain a list of the deviations with a reasonable probability to produce significant adverse outcomes, provided some recommendations for procedures and safety equipments to reduce the occurrence of radiological over-exposure accidents.