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Gamma-ray spectrometric measurement of radionuclide purity of radiopharmaceuticals contained in bottle samples


The radionuclide purity of a radiopharmaceutical product is usually measured by gamma-ray spectrometry with various measurement geometries. The importance of this test is that the radionuclide impurities, if present, result in an increase in the radiation dose to the patient without contributing to diagnostic information and in some cases may also interfere with the marking molecules and affect the proper conduct of diagnostic examination. In this work, gamma-ray spectrometry is used to determine the amounts of impurities by adopting as measurement geometry the same bottle containing eluted or prepared radiopharmaceuticals. In addition to high-purity germanium semiconductor detectors, the usefulness of NaI(Tl) and LaBr3(Ce) scintillators in routine operation is also examined. For the latter detectors, an evaluation of the minimum detectable activity was carried out and compared with the activity limits established by the regulation rules. The main cases considered are related to the first elution of 99Mo-99mTc generators and samples of 18F-FDG (fluoro-deoxy-glucose) to be used for positron emission tomography diagnostics.