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Exploring parallel capabilities of an innovative numerical method for recovering image velocity vectors field

  • Authors: Francomano, E; Macaluso, C; Toscano, E; Tortorici, A
  • Publication year: 2010
  • Type: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
  • Key words: Image velocity vectors field, Quasi-interpolant operator, B-spline functions, Distributed multiprocessor systems
  • OA Link:


In this paper an efficient method devoted to estimate the velocity vectors field is investigated. The method is based on a quasi-interpolant operator and involves a large amount of computation. The operations characterizing the computational scheme are ideal for parallel processing because they are local, regular and repetitive. Therefore, the spatial parallelism of the process is studied to rapidly proceed in the computation on distributed multiprocessor systems. The process has shown to be synchronous, with good task balancing and requiring a small amount of data transfer.