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From ethnobotany to experimental research: the therapeutic properties of Sicilian hellebore

  • Authors: Spadaro, Vivienne; Pasqualetti, Marcella; Faqi, Ali Said; Raimondo, Francesco Maria
  • Publication year: 2018
  • Type: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
  • Key words: Endemic plant; Endophytic fungi; Folk veterinary medicine; Helleborus bocconei subsp. intermedius; Pneumonia; Ranunculaceae; Plant Science
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Spadaro, V., Pasqualetti M., Faqi, A.S. & Raimondo F.M.: From ethnobotany to experimental research: the therapeutic properties of Sicilian hellebore . — Fl. Medit. 28: 247-252. 2018. — ISSN: 1120-4052 printed, 2240-4538 online. The Sicilian hellebore (Helleborus bocconei subsp. intermedius) is an endemic plant of the family Ranunculaceae from southern Italy and Sicily. This plant is known for the traditional use of dried rhizomes for treating pneumonia in domestic animals, cattle and horses in particular. In recent years, this plant was subject to various ethnobotanical, phytochemical, morpho-anatomical and mycological investigations. In addition, lately, was evaluated antibacterial activity of Chaetomium strumarium strain RR1, an endophytic ascomycete of this plant. On the whole, the different phases of this study are here reported and can be interrelated. However, they support our initial hypothesis, that the therapeutic effect of the hellebore’s rhizomes extract is due to metabolites reputedly produced by an endophytic fungus.