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Gastric protection in cardiological practice: an Italian survey on the prescriptive attitude

  • Authors: Salvatore ARAGONA , Alberto MARGONATO, Salvatore FELIS, Mario CRISCI, Giorgio CIPRANDI, SUCATO VINCENZO
  • Publication year: 2024
  • Type: Articolo in rivista
  • OA Link:


BACKGRO UND : Gastric protection is commonly considered in patients who use medications able to damage gastric mucosa, mainly NSAID s, antiplatelets, and anticoagulants. Therefore, cardiologists may frequently prescribe drugs to protect the stomach from damaging medications. The present survey investigated the attitude toward using gastric protection by a panel of Italian cardiologists. METHOD S: A self-administered questionnaire included three sections concerning practical problems on this issue in clinical practice facing patients with cardiological disorders. The questionnaire was administered in three successive months. RE SULTS: Ninety Italian cardiologists completed the questionnaire. They all consider gastric protection, mainly when prescribing potentially noxious medications. Usually, cardiologists prescribe proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) in 60% of their patients. Alginates and mucosal protectors are less considered. As a rule, cardiologists request investigations if the initial treatment fails. Moreover, the safety issue is carefully assessed. Furthermore, this survey experience significantly affected the approach to managing patients who require gastric protection. The participants carefully considered the prescriptive appropriateness of gastric protectors, mainly concerning the PPIs use. Consequently, PPIs were discontinued when inappropriate. A new medical device with triple action (antacid, mucosal protectors, and anti-reflux) contributed to this new attitude. CON CLUSION S: The present survey underscored that the appropriateness in prescribing gastric protectors is clinically relevant. In addition, a longitudinal survey experience contributed to change the practical approach by highlighting the prescriptive appropriateness of PPIs, and using a new medical device with multiple gastroprotective activities. (Cite this article as: Aragona SE, Margonato A, Felis S, Crisci M, Ciprandi G; the Pirocardio Study Group. Gastric protection