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Bollettino di matematica pura e applicata. Vol. 11: Atti dell'International Conference on Topological Algebras and Their Applications (ICTAA) 2022


The papers injcluded in this volume contain the contributions given by several participants to the International Conference on Topological Algebras and Applications (ICTAA2022) organized on line by the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of Palermo University (Italy) in the period August 31 - September 2, 2022. The conference was expected to be attended in presence but the aftermath of the COVID19 pandemic and the general political situation suggested converting this event to an online meeting. ICTAA2022 has been the thirteenth of a series begun in 1999 in Tartu (Estonia). The subjects covered in the conference were the traditional ones: Categories of Topological Algebras, Topological Rings, Topological Linear Spaces, Topological Modules, Topological Groups and Semigroups, Bornological Structures, Sheaf Theory, Bundle Theory, Topological K-theory, Operator algebras etc. Thirty mathematicians, from thirteen countries, participated to the meeting and almost all presented the results of their recent research during the meeting. We thank all participants and speakers for their cooperation in making of ICTAA2022 a successful event from the scientific point of view. Unfortunately, all the aspects of sociability that usually accompany a conference were missing, but this did not depend on the will of the organizers or on that one of the participants. We hope that the next ICTAA will be a real occasion of meeting personally old and new colleagues and friends working in the field of Topological Algebras and Applications. A special thank is due to Dr. Giuseppe Russo for his technical help which made possible the organization of ICTAA2022 on-line