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Consensus among preference rankings: a new weighted correlation coefficient for linear and weak orderings


Preference data are a particular type of ranking data where some subjects (voters, judges,...) express their preferences over a set of alternatives (items). In most real life cases, some items receive the same preference by a judge, thus giving rise to a ranking with ties. An important issue involving rankings concerns the aggregation of the preferences into a “consensus”. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the consensus between rankings with ties, taking into account the importance of swapping elements belonging to the top (or to the bottom) of the ordering (position weights). By combining the structure of τx proposed by Emond and Mason (J Multi-Criteria Decis Anal 11(1):17–28, 2002) with the class of weighted Kemeny-Snell distances, a position weighted rank correlation coefficient is proposed for comparing rankings with ties. The one-to-one correspondence between the weighted distance and the rank correlation coefficient is proved, analytically speaking, using both equal and decreasing weights.