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La lettura colliana del verbo essere nel De Interpretatione di Aristotele. Una prospettiva pre-critica kantiana?


The aim of this essay is to show the theoretical affinity between Giorgio Colli’s reading of the verb “τὸ ὄν” in Aristotle’s De Interpretatione as pure determination and the pre-critical Kantian conception of the existence as “positio absoluta”. In this regard, in the first section I will briefly trace the theoretical path that led Colli to identify in the concept of pure determination the univocal meaning of the Aristotelian τὸ ὄν. In the second section, I will establish a parallel between this reading and the Kantian critical concept of the existence as “absolute positio”. This is initially to point out the substantial irreducibility of the argumentative levels underlying the positions of the two authors and then to show, that is rather within the Kantian pre-critical works - more specifically, into the Beweisgrund - that Colli’s thesis would find a more fruitful interlocutor in the Kantian notion of “positio”.