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Designing Dynamic Sustainable Business Models to Assess the Feasibility of an Industrial Symbiosis: The Case of the Retro-Port Area of Trieste


This study evaluates the managerial sustainability of implementing a decision support system for industrial symbiosis through a recent business modeling methodology. The decision support system is intended to facilitate the identification of implementable industrial symbiosis good practices in a pilot project located in the industrial retro-port area of Trieste. To evaluate the feasibility of this project, a qualitative “Dynamic business model canvas for sustainability” was designed and supported by a system dynamics approach using causal loop diagrams. The study analyzed various governance scenarios for managing the decision support system (public, private, or public–private partnership) and the financing system. The analysis concludes by discussing the research limitations of this study and future opportunities, emphasizing the importance of a resilient system that can handle operational and regulatory shocks, given the project’s public relevance. Further study opportunities could be provided through quantitative simulations and potential numerical validations with stakeholders in the local area, considering potential regulatory constraints.