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Gilbert Simondon: un panpsichismo informazionale?


The article aims to investigate the possibility of retracing a panpsychism in an informational key within the theory of the French philosopher Gilbert Simondon. Despite what Simondon states in his main doctoral thesis discussed in 1958, he seems to be moving in the direction of a clear move away from the idea that the psychic crosses all levels of reality, it is considered possible to overcome this distance through the informational reading of panpsychism. In this direction, the informational-based relational ontology outlined by Simondon can extend the proposal of informational panpsychism beyond itt and the mathematisation theory of the cosmos. Reviewing the thesis of 1958 and earlier and later texts, the following paper attempts to outline the notion of information as conceived by Simondon as the one that allows one to overcome Aristotelian ilomorphism by thinking in operational analogy at all levels of individuation In particular, the case of psychic individuation outlined by Simondon in 1958 and that of communication taken up in 1970-71 will then be analysed as evidence of the amplification of the informational operation at all levels of reality.