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Fondali e scambiatori negli impianti viari delle fondazioni e trasformazioni urbane nell'oltremare italiano durante il ventennio


Between 1936 and 1942, the Italian urban culture made a decisive leap in quality in a scientific sense with the progressive abandonment of project methods linked to outdated concepts. It is with the experience of a small nucleus of architects and engineers engaged in the drafting of regulatory and detailed plans for the territories of the Italian overseas, in its new consistency increased with the occupation of Abyssinia and then of Albania, which lay the foundations for an effective renewal of the national urban planning regulations. Despite the desire to plan a rapid process of valorisation of the old and new overseas territories also with the urban foundations, the fascist regime would have distorted some of the fundamental principles of zoning by experimenting on the design of the city unpublished logics of segregation. But in drafting this restricted group of innovative plans, first of all for complexity that of Addis Ababa and Tirana, the Italian urban planners involved in these activities will equally show a new sensitivity for the urban contexts and, at the same time, they will introduce peculiar characters of Italian urban civilization having as a common denominator the historicized system of relationship between road and seabed.