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Il progetto di restyling delle società tra avvocati


Reflections of systematic order on the project to redesign the company among the lawyers. The study addresses the issue of social reform among lawyers stressing the urgency in view of the lack of legislation in relation to its articulation in the form of corporations determined by the lapse of the period prescribed by art. 5 l. 247/12 for its implementation. The author offers insight on the problematic issues of the current regulations (Legislative Decree no. 96/2001), namely: i) the extension of the types of company that can be used and its impact on the nature of the problem is and the relationship between the relevant regulations and that of the selected type; ii) the boundaries of the social, iii) the status of lawyer as a requirement for entry into the social structure and the possible presence of members (lawyers) of mere capital, iv) is and the group of companies, v) strict liability of the shareholders, the tax treatment of income is produced by the and discipline of the crisis.