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Memoria di uno spazio assente. Il "quartiere maghrebino" di Gerusalemme e la presenza dei magariba nella città


This contribution aims to highlight some peculiar aspects related to a “missing space”, the Maghrebi Quarter of Jerusalem, which played a fundamental role of mediation between the Haram al-šarif and the city until 1967, when it was demolished by the Israeli military forces on the occasion of the occupation of East Jerusalem. The presence of a fair number of magariba – talbat al-'ilm, qudat and fuqaha’ – who had settled in the Quarter together with their families and were active at the masgid al-Aqsà as well as in other institutions of the area, contributed in a relevant way to the spreading of the Maliki madhhab in the region, and to the social and cultural development of the city of Jerusalem through the centuries.