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Resonant Activation in Piecewise Linear Asymmetric Potentials

  • Authors: Fiasconaro, A; Spagnolo, B
  • Publication year: 2011
  • Type: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
  • Key words: Fluctuation phenomena, random processes, noise, and Brownian motion; Stochastic processes; Nonlinear dynamics
  • OA Link:


This work analyzes numerically the role played by the asymmetry of a piecewise linear potential, in the presence of both a Gaussian white noise and a dichotomous noise, on the resonant activation phenomenon. The features of the asymmetry of the potential barrier arise by investigating the stochastic transitions far behind the potential maximum, from the initial well to the bottom of the adjacent potential well. Because of the asymmetry of the potential profile together with the random external force uniform in space, we find, for the different asymmetries: (1) an inversion of the curves of the mean first passage time in the resonant region of the correlation time Ï„ of the dichotomous noise, for low thermal noise intensities; (2) a maximum of the mean velocity of the Brownian particle as a function of Ï„ ; and (3) an inversion of the curves of the mean velocity and a very weak current reversal in the miniratchet system obtained with the asymmetrical potential profiles investigated. An inversion of the mean first passage time curves is also observed by varying the amplitude of the dichotomous noise, behavior confirmed by recent experiments.