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Quantum control and long-range quantum correlations in dynamical Casimir arrays

  • Authors: Stassi, R; De Liberato, S; Garziano, L; Spagnolo, B; Savasta, S
  • Publication year: 2015
  • Type: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
  • OA Link:


The recent observation of the dynamical Casimir effect in a modulated superconductingwaveguide, culminating thirty years ofworldwide research, empowered the quantum technology community with a tool to create entangled photons on chip. In this work we show how, going beyond the single waveguide paradigm using a scalable array, it is possible to create multipartite nonclassical states, with the possibility to control the long-range quantum correlations of the emitted photons. In particular, our finite-temperature theory shows how maximally entangled NOON states can be engineered in a realistic setup. The results presented here open the way to new kinds of quantum fluids of light, arising from modulated vacuum fluctuations in linear systems.