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The composition of fluids stored in the central Mexican lithospheric mantle: Inferences from noble gases and CO2 in mantle xenoliths

  • Authors: Sandoval-Velasquez Andres.; Rizzo A.L.; Frezzotti M.L.; Saucedo R.; Aiuppa A.
  • Publication year: 2021
  • Type: Articolo in rivista
  • OA Link:


We present the first isotopic (noble gases and CO2) characterization of fluid inclusions coupled to Raman microspectroscopy analyses in mantle xenoliths from Central Mexico, a geodynamically complex area where the Basin and Range extension was superimposed on the Farallon subduction (terminated at 28 Ma). To characterize the isotopic signature of the Central Mexican lithospheric mantle, we focus on fluid inclusions entrapped in mantle xenoliths found in deposits of the Joya Honda maar (JH), a Quaternary monogenetic volcano belonging to the Ventura Espiritu Santo Volcanic Field (VESVF) in the state of San Luis Potosí (central Mexico). Thirteen ultramafic plagioclase-free xenoliths were selected, all exhibiting a paragenesis Ol > Opx > Cpx > > Sp, and being classified as spinel-lherzolites and harzburgites. All xenoliths bring textural evidence of interstitial glass veins bearing dendritic trails of secondary melt and fluid inclusions (composed of silicate glass ± CO2 ± Mg-Ca carbonates ± pyrite). These are related to pervasive mantle metasomatism driven by carbonate-rich silicate melt. The Ar and Ne systematics reflect mixing between MORB-like upper mantle and atmospheric fluids, the latter interpreted as reflecting a recycled air component possibly inherited from the Farallon plate subduction. The 3He/4He ratios vary between 7.13 and 7.68 Ra, within the MORB range (7–9 Ra), and the 4He/40Ar* ratios (0.4–3.11) are similarly close to the expected range of the fertile mantle (1–5). Taken together, these pieces of evidence suggest that (i) either the mantle He budget was scarcely modified by the Farallon plate subduction, and/or (ii) that any (large) crustal contribution was masked by a later metasomatism/refertilization episode, possibly during the subsequent Basin and Range extension. A silicate melt-driven metasomatism/refertilization (revealed by the association between glass veins and fluid inclusions) is consistent with calculated helium residence time for the Mexican lithospheric mantle (20 to 60 Ma) that overlaps the timing of the above geodynamic events. We propose that, after the refertilization event (e.g., over the last ~20 Ma), the lithospheric mantle has evolved in a steady-state, becoming slightly more radiogenic. We also estimated 3He fluxes (0.027–0.080 mol/g), 4He production rates (340–1000 mol/yr), and mantle CO2 fluxes (3.93 × 107 mol/yr to 1.18 × 108 mol/yr) using the helium isotopic values measured in JH mantle xenoliths. Finally, the JH xenoliths exhibit CO2/3He ratios comparable to those of the upper mantle (from 3.38 × 108 to 3.82 × 109) but more positive δ13C values (between −1.0 and − 2.7‰), supporting the involvement of a crustal carbonate component. We propose that the metasomatic silicate melts recycled a crustal carbonate component, inherited by the Farallon plate subduction.