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Gibellina: fra il piano dell'Ises e il Cretto.


Gibellina: fra il piano dell’Ises e il Cretto Sullo sfondo della dialettica fra ricerca innovativa e aspetti permanenti del sapere architettonico si riflette, grazie ad alcune tesi, sul rapporto tra architettura e territorio. L’occasione di progetto è stata la riutilizzazione dell’ex strade ferrate “Castelvetrano - San Carlo - Burgio” e “Santa Ninfa - Salemi - Calatifimi” prevista dall’associazione Adaciu. Il ragionamento si sviluppa attraverso sette progetti fra Gibellina Nuova e il santuario di Madonna delle Grazie, poco oltre il Cretto di Burri. Fra questi due poli si ipotizzano gli approdi di un percorso ciclopedonale continuo, che parte dalle potenzialità urbane di Gibellina, origine e meta degli spostamenti (viale Indipendenza e il ”cuore” della città), e svela le identità del paesaggio indagato mediante attente modifiche di luoghi scelti (la stazione di Gibellina, il belvedere di Santa Ninfa e la stazione di Santa Ninfa Campagna, l’ex baraccopoli di Rampinzeri, il Cretto e il santuario di Madonna delle Grazie). Prevale sui singoli progetti la tesi generale che dimostra come sia possibile, e necessario, rendere riconoscibile la dimensione territoriale della valle del Belice grazie a un nuovo rapporto fra l’originaria e l’odierna Gibellina. Gibellina: between the Ises’s plane plan and the Cretto In the background of the dialectic between innovative research and permanent aspects of architectural knowledge we can reflect is reflected on the relationship between architecture and territory through a number of theses. The occasion of the project was the reuse of the "Castelvetrano - San Carlo - Burgio" and "Santa Ninfa - Salemi - Calatifimi" railways provided by the association Adaciu. The reasoning is developed through seven projects between New Gibellina and the Sanctuary of Santa Maria delle Grazie, just beyond the Burri’s Cretto Burri. Between these two poles are envisaged the landing of a continuous pedestrian path, which starts from the urban potential of Gibellina, origin and destination of trips (viale Indipendenza and the "Heart" of the City), and reveals the identity of the landscape investigated through by careful changes of chosen places (Gibellina station, the viewpoint of Santa Ninfa and Santa Ninfa Campagna station, the former slums of Rampinzeri, the Cretto and the Sanctuary of Santa Maria delle Grazie). On individual projects prevails the general thesis, which demonstrates how it is possible, and necessary, make clear the territorial dimension of the Belice valley through a new relationship between the old and the present Gibellina. Gibellina: between the Ises’s plan and the Cretto In the background of the dialectic between innovative research and permanent aspects of architectural knowledge we can reflect on the relationship between architecture and territory through a number of theses. The occasion of the project was the reuse of the "Castelvetrano - San Carlo - Burgio" and "Santa Ninfa - Salemi - Calatifimi" railways provided by the association Adaciu. The reasoning is developed through seven projects between New Gibellina and the Sanctuary of Santa Maria delle Grazie, just beyond the Burri’s Cretto. Between these two poles are envisaged the landing of a continuous pedestrian path, which starts from the urban potential of Gibellina, origin and destination of trips (viale Indipendenza and the "Heart" of the City), and reveals the identity of the landscape investigated through careful changes of chosen places (Gibellina station, the viewpoint of Santa Ninfa and Santa Ninfa Campagna station, the former slums of Rampinzeri, the Cretto and the Sanctuary of Santa Maria delle Grazie). On individual projects prevails the general thesis, which demonstrates how it is possible, and necessary, make clear the territorial dimension of the Belice valley through a new relationship between the old and the present Gibellina.