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What does it mean today to form a sense of history in the new generations? The book constantly grapples with this question, holding firm to the principle that existence, as formativity, is itself history. Reflecting on the why and how of history in our time marked by the eternalisation of the present, the oblivion of memory and the fall of hope, the hypothesis that runs through the volume is an educational proposal where history renews its ancient mission as life's teacher. To this end, after having questioned the social sciences and the philosophies of history, a reflection is made on history from the point of view of the history of education, the history of the school and the history of didactics, pausing on the contents, methods and sources of the teaching of history in today's schools, searching in our liquid and complex times for a new usefulness of history. It is desirable, the volume's concluding reflections reiterate, for a revival of history that traces in the past some unexpressed potential, promoting the formation of a historical consciousness that contributes to endowing our present with meaning.