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A innovative laterals hydro floating tilting systems for USV or surface nautical vehicles


The proposed project shows the results obtained in the implementation and testing in lacustrine and marine environment of an innovative laterals hydro floating tilting systems control for USV or remote/autonomous surface nautical vehicles. This vehicle is based on a pending patent belonging to Palermo University (Patent Pending RM2012A000209 and RM2012A000209). The system allows, during operation as a vehicle USV, set changes sailing trim and make turns with very narrow angle with little shunting movements. In fact the main benefits obtained were able to change or adjust the navigation structure by changing the tilt of one or two hydro floating during navigation without intervening directly on the flaps of the vehicle. Another benefit obtained by reversing the position of the two hydro floating is to be able to make the tight turn in very little room to maneuver and with little propulsion. The system allows, during operation as a vehicle USV, set changes sailing trim and make turns with very narrow angle with little shunting movements. The tilting system control allows a benefit of fuel or energy for electric vehicles and on the reduced space for maneuvering. The experimental tests were carried out on an telecontrolled electric power vehicle coupled with a jet propulsion, (USV) where the sensor telemetry on-line has allowed us to verify the effectiveness of the complete system, just during the performance of trim and maneuver of the vehicle. Then, the proposed system can be used for applications in all the fields of the nautical vehicle. The procedures applied in the present article, as well as the main equations used, are the result of previous applications made in different technical fields that show a good replicability (1-4, 14, 18-20).