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The molecular tumor board: a tool for the governance of precision oncology in the real world


Clinical oncology is going through a period of profound change. Targeted therapy, and more recently immunotherapy, have revolutionized the natural history and outcomes of many solid tumors. Clinical oncology is now indissoluble from molecular oncology, a rapidly evolving field. This profound transformation is the rationale for molecular tumor board (MTB) implementation. MTBs represent a resource for the development of precision oncology and clinical practice implementation is a complex and important challenge for the future of clinical and molecular oncology. Economic sustainability of genomic tests, access to drugs or clinical trials according to the MTB recommendation, and expanded use of existing anticancer drugs are required for MTBs to become a useful tool for the governance of precision oncology in the real world. This is an ongoing process, with establishment of MTBs the first step. Continuing to work in collaboration with scientific societies, MTBs are poised to become a homogeneous and well-structured reality that can make the care pathway of the patient with cancer more efficient, with the ultimate goal to offer personalized therapy based on the most advanced scientific knowledge.