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A case study of primary progressive aphasia: Improvement on verbs after rTMS treatment

  • Authors: Finocchiaro C; Maimone M; Brighina F; Piccoli T; Giglia G; Fierro B
  • Publication year: 2006
  • Type: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
  • OA Link:


This case-report shows that high frequency repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (hf-rTMS), applied to the left prefrontal cortex, may improve the linguistic skills in Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA). The patient's performance was evaluated on a battery of language production and memory span tasks, before and after two hf-rTMS treatments and one SHAM treatment. We observed a significant and lasting improvement of the patient's performance on verb production following the application of hf-rTMS versus Baseline and SHAM conditions. This finding suggests that hf-rTMS may directly strengthen the neural connections within an area of metabolic dysfunction and encourages the use of rTMS as an alternative therapeutic tool for neurodegenerative forms of aphasia.