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Expert opinion on managing chronic HCV in patients with cardiovascular disease

  • Authors: Vassalle, Cristina; Petta, Salvatore; Pepe, Alessia; Craxi, Antonio; Bondin, Mark; Cacoub, Patrice
  • Publication year: 2018
  • Type: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
  • OA Link:


Extrahepatic manifestations of chronic HCV infection include cardiovascular diseases and an increase in cardiovascular mortality. The pathogenic mechanisms by which HCV contributes to cardiovascular disease are not well defined, however, it is likely that systemic inflammation, and the promotion of other metabolic diseases are involved. In this Review, the evidence for HCV infection as a non-traditional risk factor for cardiovascular disease is evaluated. Furthermore, practical advice to evaluate cardiovascular disease risk and disease in chronic hepatitis C patients are included for help in daily clinical practice. Despite the advances in therapies for the treatment of HCV, there remains a need for increased awareness among specialists so that patients are more likely to obtain the treatment required to mitigate disease progression.