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Photocatalytic and photothermocatalytic applications of cerium oxide-based materials

  • Authors: Bellardita, Marianna; Fiorenza, Roberto; Palmisano, Leonardo; Scirè, Salvatore
  • Publication year: 2020
  • Type: Capitolo o Saggio
  • OA Link:


Heterogeneous photocatalysis (HP) on semiconductors (SC) is a technology widely studied since Fujishima and Honda reported in 1972 on the photocatalytic splitting of water on TiO2 electrodes, although in principle, that paper should be considered a pioneering work in the field of photoelectrochemistry. HP is classified as an advanced oxidation process for water and air remediation as it can produce highly reactive oxidant species capable to oxidize organic and inorganic pollutants, possibly resulting in their complete mineralization. Recently, cerium oxide-based materials have gained increasing attention in addition to TiO2 for degradation of organic contaminants in water or air, water splitting, and selective organic transformation.