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I contratti di cessione nella filiera alimentare


"Transfer contracts in the food supply chain" generally indicate the relationships maintained by the subjects involved in the so-called food and/or agri-food supply chains (made up of producers of primary (agricultural) goods, intermediaries, transformers, marketers, distributors) having as their object the supply of products intended for food both directly and through their transformation, manipulation, marketing, all activities aimed at sale, often through large-scale retail trade, to the final consumer. The interest in regulating supply contracts in food supply chains derives from the need to rebalance the negotiating positions of the contracting parties, remedying those inequalities that manifest themselves physiologically in order to avoid the price of such inequalities being paid by the primary producer or by another supplier in the supply chain (with inevitable repercussions on the conditions of the workers who work in the company) and by the consumer, with a view to restoring the social sustainability of these contractual relationships.